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jtroxel /
Created June 18, 2012 14:40
Rails - Using whitelists to control mass-assignment

Rails - Using Whitelists for Mass-Assignment Security

Whitelisting attributes

For 3.2 upgrade, and to improve protection against mass-assignment exploits, we recently changed an app to use a more strict "whitelist" approach. In case you missed it, there was a lot of drama recently around the exploit: Basically, the power of Rails can be used to sneak in extra attributes (that are not presented in the UI) into requests, attributes that map to database properties. This Rails magic happens with any method that ultimately calls ActiveRecord update_attributes.

One way to tighten this up is by setting the following in application.rb:

    config.active_record.whitelist_attributes = true

With that set, only attributes that are explicitly defined by attr_accessible are eligible for update from update_attributes. This includes nested attributes that correspond to accepts_nested_attributes_for, for example :line_item_attributes.

jtroxel / category_group.rb
Created October 31, 2012 02:50
An example Module mixing in re-usable Rails associations.
module CategoryGroup
module ClassMethods
# Set up the association and accepts_nested_attributes_for in the client object. Also defines some accessor and helper
# methods based on the name parameter
def category_group_association(name, group)
has_many "#{name}_categorizations".to_sym, :class_name => "Categorization", :foreign_key => "categorizable_id",
:conditions => ["categorizations.categorizable_group = ? and categorizations.categorizable_type = ?", group, "#{}"]
has_many "#{name}_categories".to_sym, :through => "#{name}_categorizations".to_sym, :source => :category
jtroxel / product.rb
Created October 31, 2012 02:52
Client of reusable Rails association
include CategoryGroup # Module to help a AR model associate to a category scoped by a "group"
has_many :categorizations, :as => :categorizable
has_many :categories, :through => :categorizations
category_group_association 'product', Category::PRODUCTS # create has_many for categorizations and categories, called product_
jtroxel / 20130128152044_create_user_history.rb
Created January 28, 2013 23:12
DB history for checkouts (and other stuff)
class CreateUserHistory < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :user_history do |t|
t.association :user # Most things we care about should have a user, but nil-able if not
t.string :username # stamped from user.username
t.string :message # Log-like message
t.string :code # Specific token for sorting, or tracking error or status
t.float :timing # Optional for keeping timing like response time
#NOTE: has_many :history_snapshots # snapshot data about relevant objects
jtroxel / gist:5238846
Last active December 15, 2015 09:29
Command objects in controllers
def approve_invoice, params[:invoice].slice(:invoice_id)).execute
# ...
redirect_to :view_invoices
def view_invoices
@pending_invoices = InvoiceViewListForUser(current_user, { pending: true }).execute
<section data-ng-controller="PostsController" data-ng-init="find()">
<div class="page-header">
<div class="list-group">
<a data-ng-repeat="post in posts" data-ng-href="#!/posts/{{post._id}}" class="list-group-item">
<small class="list-group-item-text">
Posted on
<span data-ng-bind="post.created | date:'medium'"></span>
jtroxel / server.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
Javascript form post handler
// curl --data-urlencode "name=Thai Green and Sushi" -XPOST localhost:8080/restaurant'/restaurant', function (req) {
console.log("Params: " + req.params());
req.endHandler(function() {
// The request has been all ready so now we can look at the form attributes
var formAttributes = req.formAttributes();
var name = formAttributes.get('name');
jtroxel / server.js
Created March 14, 2015 02:00
Starting a server for routeMatcher
// Start a server listening to our routes
server.requestHandler(routeMatcher).listen(8080, 'localhost');
jtroxel / server.js
Created March 15, 2015 20:39
UI integration with business logic
bus.send('manage-restaurants', // Event bus
// Payload
action: 'create',
name: name
// Reply handler
function (reply) {
console.log("Reply " + reply);
jtroxel / manage_restaurants.rb
Created March 15, 2015 20:47
ruby ActiveRecord worker logic
Vertx::EventBus.register_handler('manage-restaurants') do |message|
body = message.body
puts "Got message body #{body.inspect}"
case body['action']
when "create"
rest ='name'))
message.reply "OK"
when "update"
id = body['id']