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Jules Glegg julesfern

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1. handlers aren't dereferenced from the rendertree when removed from the DOM
2. handlers aren't synced when added
[smilkit-as3][info] Playback state set to to playbackSeeking. on '[object Viewport]'
[smilkit-as3][info] Completed changing playback state to PLAYBACK_SEEKING with offset: 47334. on '[object Viewport]'
[smilkit-as3][debug] Worker : JustInTime Worker : Shutting down. on '[object Worker]'
[smilkit-as3][debug] Worker : Resolve Worker : Priority worker shut down. Shutting down in turn. on '[object Worker]'
[smilkit-as3][debug] Heartbeat paused. on '[object Heartbeat]'
julesfern / compact-logger.js
Created December 16, 2010 17:26
A tiny javascript logger
// Create the logger singleton
window.logger = {
"messages": [],
"debug": function(msg, object) { window.logger.log("debug", msg, object); },
"warn": function(msg, object) { window.logger.log("warn", msg, object); },
"error": function(msg, object) { window.logger.log("error", msg, object); },
"log": function(level, msg, object) {
window.logger.render(level, msg, object)
window.logger.messages.push([level, msg, object]);
[Test(async, description="Ensures that properties with a defined transition and non-zero duration are not altered immediately")]
public function transitionsWithDurationsAreAnimated():void
var el:UIElement = new UIElement();
el.localStyleString = "transition-property: padding-left; transition-duration: 2s; transition-delay: 1s; transition-timing-function: linear; padding-left: 10px;";
package org.stylekit.spec.tests.css.value
import flexunit.framework.Assert;
import flexunit.framework.AsyncTestHelper;
import org.flexunit.async.Async;
import org.stylekit.css.value.SizeValue;
public class SizeValueTestCase {
public function parseElementSelector(selector:String):ElementSelector
var elementSelector:ElementSelector = new ElementSelector();
var str:String = StringUtil.trim(selector);
var parserPreviousState:uint = 0;
var parserCurrentState:uint = ElementSelectorParser.ELEMENT_NAME;
var token:String = "";
var tokenBuilt:Boolean = false;
class Base < ::Liquid::Block
@@xml_id_registry = {}
def self.reset!; @@xml_id_registry = {}; end
def initialize(tag_name, attributes, tokens)
@attributes ||= process_attributes(attributes)
@tokens = tokens
public function syncHandlersToViewportOffset():void
// Cancel any running sync operations
Logger.debug("Asked to start a sync operation, but one is already in progress. Cancelling existing sync operation.", this);
smilkit-as3-player.swfResource interpreted as document but transferred with MIME type application/x-shockwave-flash.
[Debug] Resetting the DrawingBoard and Canvas state on '[object DrawingBoard]'
[Info] Playback state set to to playbackPaused. on '[object Viewport]'
[Info] Completed changing playback state to PLAYBACK_PAUSED. on '[object Viewport]'
[Info] About to refresh with remote URL: on '[object Viewport]'
[Debug] Heartbeat resetting. on '[object Heartbeat]'
[Debug] Removed drawn regions on '[object DrawingBoard]'
[Debug] Resetting the DrawingBoard and Canvas state on '[object DrawingBoard]'
[Debug] Re-drawn 4 regions to the DrawingBoard's Canvas on '[object DrawingBoard]'
[Debug] Handler added to RenderTree during update at 0ms on '[object HTTPVideoHandler]'