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Last active July 3, 2019 06:58
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breaking OSMesa on raijin
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"cells": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## A simple analytical solution for slab detachment - model 2\n",
"Stefan M. Schmalholz, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 304 (2011) 45–54"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# maybe this helps the mpi setup\n",
"import mpi4py.rc\n",
"mpi4py.rc.threaded = False\n",
"mpi4py.rc.thread_level = \"single\"\n",
"# import all python modules\n",
"from mpi4py import MPI\n",
"import os\n",
"import numpy as np\n",
"import underworld as uw\n",
"import glucifer\n",
"import underworld.function as fn\n",
"from underworld.scaling import units as u \n",
"from underworld.scaling import non_dimensionalise as nd\n",
"comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD\n",
"RANK = uw.mpi.rank\n",
"# set output path\n",
"outputPath = os.path.abspath(outputPath)+'/'\n",
"# build output path on root proc\n",
"if RANK == 0:\n",
" if not os.path.exists(outputPath):\n",
" print(\"Making outputPath, \", outputPath)\n",
" os.makedirs(outputPath)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"def checkpoint( mesh, fieldDict, swarm, swarmDict, outputDir='./',\n",
" meshName='mesh', swarmName='swarm', time=0.,\n",
" enable_xdmf=True, with_deform_mesh=False):\n",
" if 'counter' not in checkpoint.__dict__:\n",
" checkpoint.counter = 0\n",
" \n",
" prefix = outputDir\n",
" # Check the prefix is valid\n",
" if not os.path.exists(prefix) and uw.mpi.rank==0:\n",
" raise RuntimeError(\"Error checkpointing, can't find {}\".format(prefix))\n",
" if not isinstance(time, (float,int)):\n",
" raise TypeError(\"'index' is not a number\")\n",
" ii = str(checkpoint.counter).zfill(5)\n",
" # only is there's a mesh then check for fields to save\n",
" if mesh is not None:\n",
" # Error check the mesh and fields\n",
" if not isinstance(mesh, uw.mesh.FeMesh):\n",
" raise TypeError(\"'mesh' is not of type uw.mesh.FeMesh\")\n",
" if not isinstance(fieldDict, dict):\n",
" raise TypeError(\"'fieldDict' is not of type dict\")\n",
" for key, value in fieldDict.items():\n",
" if not isinstance( value, uw.mesh.MeshVariable ):\n",
" raise TypeError(\"'fieldDict' must contain uw.mesh.MeshVariable elements\")\n",
" # Save the mesh each call of checkpoint() if with_deform_mesh is enabled\n",
" if with_deform_mesh is True:\n",
" mh =\".h5\")\n",
" else:\n",
" # see if we have already saved the mesh. It only needs to be saved once\n",
" if 'mH' not in checkpoint.__dict__:\n",
" checkpoint.mH =\".h5\")\n",
" mh = checkpoint.mH\n",
" # save xdmf files\n",
" for key,value in fieldDict.items():\n",
" filename = prefix+key+'-'+ii\n",
" handle ='.h5', mh)\n",
" if enable_xdmf: value.xdmf(filename, handle, key, mh, meshName, time)\n",
" # is there a swarm\n",
" if swarm is not None:\n",
" # Error check the swarms\n",
" if not isinstance(swarm, uw.swarm.Swarm):\n",
" raise TypeError(\"'swarm' is not of type uw.swarm.Swarm\")\n",
" if not isinstance(swarmDict, dict):\n",
" raise TypeError(\"'swarmDict' is not of type dict\")\n",
" for key, value in swarmDict.items():\n",
" if not isinstance( value, uw.swarm.SwarmVariable ):\n",
" raise TypeError(\"'fieldDict' must contain uw.swarm.SwarmVariable elements\")\n",
" # save xdmf files\n",
" sH =\"-\"+ii+\".h5\")\n",
" for key,value in swarmDict.items():\n",
" filename = prefix+key+'-'+ii\n",
" handle ='.h5')\n",
" if enable_xdmf: value.xdmf(filename, handle, key, sH, swarmName, time)\n",
" \n",
" checkpoint.counter += 1\n"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# desired scaling\n",
"K_length = 1 * u.kilometer\n",
"K_viscosity = 1e18 * u.pascal * u.second\n",
"K_density = 1e3 * u.kilogram / (u.meter)**3\n",
"# resultant scaling\n",
"K_mass = K_density * K_length**3\n",
"K_seconds = K_mass / ( K_length * K_viscosity )\n",
"K_substance = 1. * u.mole\n",
"K_temperature = 1. * u.kelvin\n",
"# define uw scaling coefficients\n",
"scaling_coeff = uw.scaling.get_coefficients()\n",
"scaling_coeff[\"[length]\"] = K_length.to_base_units()\n",
"scaling_coeff[\"[temperature]\"] = K_temperature.to_base_units()\n",
"scaling_coeff[\"[time]\"] = K_seconds.to_base_units()\n",
"scaling_coeff[\"[mass]\"] = K_mass.to_base_units()"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"## complete set of model parameters\n",
"# general params\n",
"max_time = nd( 22.56 * u.megayear)\n",
"min_viscosity = nd( 1e18 * u.Pa * u.sec)\n",
"max_viscosity = nd( 1e25 * u.Pa * u.sec)\n",
"gravity = nd( 9.81 * u.meter / u.second**2)\n",
"# geometry params\n",
"Lx = nd(1000 * u.kilometer)\n",
"Ly = nd( 660 * u.kilometer)\n",
"air_depth = nd( 40 * u.kilometer)\n",
"plate_depth = nd( 80 * u.kilometer)\n",
"slab_length = nd( 250 * u.kilometer)\n",
"slab_width = nd( 80 * u.kilometer)\n",
"# testing for absolute density values\n",
"# mantle_density = nd(3150 * u.kilogram / u.meter**3)\n",
"# slab_density = nd(3300 * u.kilogram / u.meter**3)\n",
"# mantle params: density & linear viscosity\n",
"mantle_density = nd(0 * u.kilogram / u.meter**3)\n",
"mantle_viscosity = nd(1e21 * u.Pa * u.sec)\n",
"# slab params: density & nonlinear viscosity\n",
"slab_density = nd(150 * u.kilogram / u.meter**3)\n",
"slab_exponent = 4.\n",
"mu = 4.75e11\n",
"_mu = nd(mu * u.Pa*u.sec**(1/slab_exponent))\n",
"DEFAULT_STRAINRATE = nd(1e-16 / u.seconds)\n",
"# numerical parameters\n",
"resFactor = 2\n",
"resX = resFactor * 100\n",
"resY = resFactor * 66\n",
"elType = \"Q1/dq0\"\n",
"# solve setup\n",
"STOKES_NL_TOL = 1e-2\n",
"STOKES_OUTER_TOL = 1e-5\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# FEM mesh and variable setup\n",
"elRes = (resX, resY)\n",
"minCoord = [0.,0.]\n",
"maxCoord = [Lx, Ly]\n",
"mesh = uw.mesh.FeMesh_Cartesian(maxCoord=maxCoord, \n",
" minCoord=minCoord,\n",
" elementRes=elRes, \n",
" elementType=elType)\n",
"vField = mesh.add_variable(2)\n",
"pField = mesh.subMesh.add_variable(1)\n",
"etaField = mesh.add_variable(1)\n",
"# derivative functions of FE variables\n",
"vdotv =, vField)\n",
"srFn = fn.tensor.symmetric(vField.fn_gradient)\n",
"sr_2InvFn = fn.tensor.second_invariant(srFn) # 2nd invariant of strain rate \n",
"# lagrangian swarm setup - stores material and viscosity\n",
"swarm = uw.swarm.Swarm(mesh)\n",
"advector =, swarm, order=2)\n",
"materialVar = swarm.add_variable(count=1, dataType='int')\n",
"viscosityVar = swarm.add_variable(count=1, dataType='double')\n",
"# populate the swarm\n",
"layout = uw.swarm.layouts.PerCellSpaceFillerLayout(swarm, particlesPerCell=20)\n",
"# enable population control\n",
"population_control = uw.swarm.PopulationControl(swarm, \n",
" aggressive=False,\n",
" splitThreshold=0.15, \n",
" maxDeletions=2,\n",
" maxSplits=10,\n",
" particlesPerCell=20)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# No-slip side walls, free-slip top and bottom\n",
"bottomWall = mesh.specialSets[\"Bottom_VertexSet\"]\n",
"topWall = mesh.specialSets[\"Top_VertexSet\"]\n",
"leftWall = mesh.specialSets[\"Left_VertexSet\"]\n",
"rightWall = mesh.specialSets[\"Right_VertexSet\"]\n",
"iWalls = leftWall + rightWall\n",
"allWalls = iWalls + topWall + bottomWall\n",
"[...] = 0.0\n",
"# dirichlet conditions for model, no slip sides walls, free slip top and bottom\n",
"stokes_dBC = uw.conditions.DirichletCondition( variable = vField, \n",
" indexSetsPerDof = (iWalls, allWalls) )"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"## build geometries\n",
"# plate geometry\n",
"p_h = mesh.maxCoord[1] - plate_depth\n",
"array = np.array([(mesh.minCoord[0], p_h), (mesh.maxCoord[0], p_h),\n",
" (mesh.maxCoord[0], mesh.maxCoord[1]), (mesh.minCoord[0], mesh.maxCoord[1])])\n",
"slab2_polygon = uw.function.shape.Polygon(vertices=array)\n",
"# slab geometry\n",
"slab_x0 = mesh.maxCoord[0]/2 - slab_width/2\n",
"slab_x1 = slab_x0 + slab_width\n",
"s_h = p_h - slab_length\n",
"array = np.array([(slab_x0, s_h), (slab_x1, s_h),\n",
" (slab_x1, Ly ), (slab_x0, Ly )])\n",
"slab_polygon = uw.function.shape.Polygon(vertices=array)\n",
"# assign geometries to swarm via polygon class, this is a proxy for \n",
"# the 2 materials - mantle material,slab material.\n",
"# As such we can add (or) the polygon (boolean) evaluation.\n",
"# to the materialVar swarm variable, i.e. (0,1) = (mantle material,slab material)\n",
"[:] = slab2_polygon.evaluate(swarm) + slab_polygon.evaluate(swarm)\n",
"# define for fn mappings later on\n",
"(mantleIndex,slabIndex) = (0,1)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"## create analysis swarms\n",
"# Ds - slab tip depth single tracking particle\n",
"ts_ds = uw.swarm.Swarm(mesh)\n",
"ts_ds_ad =, ts_ds, order=2)\n",
"depthVar = ts_ds.add_variable(count=1, dataType='double')\n",
"p_coords = np.ndarray(shape=(1, 2))\n",
"p_coords[:,0] = Lx/2.\n",
"p_coords[:,1] = slab_length\n",
"y_coord = fn.coord()[1]\n",
"fn_ds = fn.misc.constant(1.0) - y_coord/Ly\n",
"[:] = fn_ds.evaluate(ts_ds)\n",
"# width tracers - 100 points positioned down the side edges of the slab. 50 points per side.\n",
"ts_ws = uw.swarm.Swarm(mesh)\n",
"ts_ws_ad =, ts_ws, order=2)\n",
"dummVar = ts_ws.add_variable(count=1, dataType='int') # dummy var required to save\n",
"p_coords = np.ndarray(shape=(100, 2))\n",
"p_coords[0:50,0] = slab_x0\n",
"p_coords[0:50,1] = np.linspace(s_h, p_h, num=50)\n",
"p_coords[50:100,0] = slab_x1\n",
"p_coords[50:100,1] = np.linspace(s_h, p_h, num=50)\n",
"ignore = ts_ws.add_particles_with_coordinates(p_coords)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# setup velocity vis\n",
"figVel = glucifer.Figure(title=\"Velocity arrows and 2nd inv strain rate\")\n",
"figVel.append(glucifer.objects.VectorArrows(mesh, vField))\n",
"figVel.append(glucifer.objects.Surface(mesh, sr_2InvFn, logScale=True))\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# assign Fns for phyical properties\n",
"# Density\n",
"densityFn = fn_key=materialVar, \n",
" mapping={ slabIndex: slab_density, mantleIndex: mantle_density } )\n",
"# Force\n",
"forceFn = gravity*densityFn * (0.0,-1.)\n",
"# Viscosity\n",
"dummy_sr_2Inv = fn.misc.constant(DEFAULT_STRAINRATE)\n",
"# strain rate and power-law viscosity\n",
"sr = fn.misc.max(sr_2InvFn, dummy_sr_2Inv)\n",
"eta_raw = _mu*fn.math.pow(sr, (1./slab_exponent - 1.))\n",
"# viscous limiting\n",
"maxBound = fn.misc.min(eta_raw, max_viscosity)\n",
"finalViscosity = fn.misc.max(maxBound, min_viscosity)\n",
"viscosityFn = fn_key=materialVar, \n",
" mapping={ slabIndex: finalViscosity, mantleIndex: mantle_viscosity } )"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# setup solver\n",
"stokes = velocityField = vField, \n",
" pressureField = pField,\n",
" conditions = [stokes_dBC],\n",
" fn_viscosity = viscosityFn, \n",
" fn_bodyforce = forceFn )\n",
"solver = stokes )\n",
"# solver.set_inner_method(\"mumps\") # direct solve for speed"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"figEta = glucifer.Figure(title=\"Viscosity [Pa*s]\")\n",
"factor = 1/nd(1*u.Pa*u.s)\n",
"figEta.append(glucifer.objects.Points(swarm, factor*viscosityFn, logScale=True, fn_size=2.0))\n",
"figEps = glucifer.Figure(title=\"Strain Rate 2nd inv. [1/s]\")\n",
"factor = 1/nd(1*u.s**-1)\n",
"figEps.append(glucifer.objects.Points(swarm, factor*sr_2InvFn, logScale=True, fn_size=2.0))\n",
"figRho = glucifer.Figure(title=\"Density [kg/m**3]\")\n",
"factor = 1/nd(1***3)\n",
"figRho.append(glucifer.objects.Points(swarm, factor*densityFn))"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# # Get solution\n",
"# solver.solve(nonLinearIterate=True,nonLinearTolerance=1e-2)\n",
"# projection = uw.utils.MeshVariable_Projection(etaField, stokes.fn_viscosity)\n",
"# projection.solve()\n",
"# fieldDict = {'velocity':vField, 'viscosityField':etaField}\n",
"# checkpoint( mesh, fieldDict, None, None, 0, outputDir=outputPath) # for initial analysis"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# redefine\n",
"swarmDict = {'viscosity':viscosityVar}\n",
"fieldDict = {'velocity':vField}"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {
"code_folding": []
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# simulation parameters\n",
"steps = 0\n",
"finalTimestep = 5\n",
"curTime = 0\n",
"cp_i = 0\n",
"chkpt_every = 1 # in numeric steps\n",
"# Wall time timers\n",
"timer_0, timer_1 = 0,0\n",
"if RANK == 0:\n",
" outfile = open(outputPath+'buildMount.txt', 'w+')\n",
" string = \"steps, timestep, time, vrms, slab_tip_depth, Wtime\"\n",
" print(string)\n",
" outfile.write( string+\"\\n\")\n",
"# initialise loop\n",
"dt = -1\n",
"timer_0 = MPI.Wtime()\n",
"while steps<finalTimestep:\n",
"# while curTime < max_time:\n",
" \n",
"[:] = fn_ds.evaluate(ts_ds)\n",
" \n",
" # Get solution\n",
" solver.solve(nonLinearIterate=True,nonLinearTolerance=STOKES_NL_TOL)\n",
" \n",
"[:] = stokes.fn_viscosity.evaluate(swarm)\n",
" \n",
" if steps % chkpt_every == 0:\n",
" checkpoint( mesh, fieldDict, swarm, swarmDict, \n",
" outputDir=outputPath, time=curTime)\n",
" cp_i += 1 # due to paraview 5.4 oddity\n",
" \n",
" # calculate metrics\n",
" v2int = mesh.integrate(fn=vdotv)[0]\n",
" vol = mesh.integrate(fn=1.0)[0]\n",
" \n",
" s_d = 0\n",
" if ts_ds.particleLocalCount>0: \n",
" s_d =[0][0]\n",
" s_d = comm.allreduce(s_d)\n",
" \n",
" # get time step first time around\n",
" if dt < 0:\n",
" dt = advector.get_max_dt()\n",
" \n",
" curTime += dt\n",
" timer_1 = MPI.Wtime()\n",
" string = \"{}, {:.5e}, {:.5e}, {:.5e}, {:.5e}, {:.5e}\".format(steps,\n",
" uw.scaling.dimensionalise(dt, u.year),\n",
" uw.scaling.dimensionalise(curTime, u.year),\n",
" uw.scaling.dimensionalise(np.sqrt(v2int/vol),, \n",
" s_d,\n",
" (timer_1-timer_0) )\n",
" timer_0 = timer_1\n",
" if RANK == 0:\n",
" print(string)\n",
" outfile.write(string+\"\\n\")\n",
" \n",
" \n",
" # Advect particles \n",
" advector.integrate(dt)\n",
" ts_ws_ad.integrate(dt)\n",
" ts_ds_ad.integrate(dt)\n",
" # population control\n",
" population_control.repopulate() \n",
" \n",
" steps += 1\n",
"if RANK==0:\n",
" outfile.close()"
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