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web the third juliosantos

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So this works as a reference since I couldn't find a thorough enough guide on the whole Internet for a unix-averse person like myself.
A Facebook application runs on what they call the *canvas*, which is a hole punched on their layout where the content of a *callback URL* will be rendered. When a user makes a request to see the application, Facebook parses the request and makes its own request to the callback URL. This means that Facebook must be able to communicate with the server where the content is.
When developing on a laptop this is often an issue if the underlying network is not under your control (meaning you can't setup port forwarding on the NAT router). This sucks big time.
ssh tunneling to the rescue! All we need is a machine with a direct connection to the Internet somewhere on the cloud, such as a VPS. We tell Facebook that our callback URL is on that VPS, and we set up a tunneling scheme to ensure that all requests made to the VPS are automatically and seamlessly forwarded to our laptop throu

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am juliosantos on github.
  • I am juliosantos ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is E5DC E3B5 C2D9 9DC5 0557 08CC EC08 13D5 B1E0 FC0C

To claim this, I am signing this object:

juliosantos / inheritance.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
Versatile prototypical inheritance in JavaScript (+ underscore.js for convenience)
var App = {
Models : {}
// App.Models.Model
// Contains methods to be inherited by all other models
App.Models.Model = Object.create( {}, {
// no model ids shall be reassignable
new : {value : function (options, properties) {
var id =; // required for get/set to work
juliosantos / okcupid.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
Douche-B-Gone: forcing an API upon OkCupid to bulk block users
require "httparty"
class Okcupid
def initialize(username: nil, password: nil)
@username = username
@password = password
juliosantos / tlds.go
Created May 17, 2015 16:39
Go web API for TLD checking
package main
import (
pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
contract Eventer {
event Record(
address _from,
string _message
function record(string message) {
Record(msg.sender, message);
; <<>> DiG 9.10.6 <<>> +trace +additional SOA
;; global options: +cmd
. 86373 IN NS
. 86373 IN NS
. 86373 IN NS
. 86373 IN NS
. 86373 IN NS
. 86373 IN NS
. 86373 IN NS
# pkoch: I've removed the trace funcionality, unified outputs, and only send email on non-zero result.
# Cronic v3 - cron job report wrapper
# Copyright 2007-2016 Chuck Houpt. No rights reserved, whatsoever.
# Public Domain CC0:
set -eu
TMP=$(mktemp -d)

I'm the CTO at Fractal, looking for a Blockchain Lead: a strong right arm for our new blockchain venture. Someone to come deep into the Polkadot/Substrate ecosystem, help me with research, and shape the product's technical direction. Someone to help me hire and coordinate internal and external resources to imagine, design and build a better Web. Let me explain what I mean.

We're a tight, passionate team who moves fast and gets things done. We started Fractal in 2017, and our first product was Fractal Launchpad — a crowdfunding platform where blockchain projects such as the Ocean Protocol raised funds from the community.

Fractal ID, our current product, is a federated identity system (think "log in with Facebook", but with verified users). It collects and verifies user identities according to the compliance needs of our clients (blockchain fintechs). Because these identities are reusable, we deliver fast frustration-free onboarding for users and high conversion rates for clients.

We're now starting to [buil