I hereby claim:
- I am juliosmelo on github.
- I am juliocsmelo (https://keybase.io/juliocsmelo) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is 2463 D5C4 826C 2B25 E9F8 8B40 0736 13C4 6A88 8C5F
To claim this, I am signing this object:
import sys | |
from fabric.colors import green, yellow | |
from fabric.contrib.console import confirm | |
from fabric.context_managers import cd, prefix | |
from fabric.operations import prompt | |
from fabric.api import run, local, env, sudo | |
env.user = 'ubuntu' | |
env.hosts = [''] #ip do ec2 | |
env.app_path = '/home/seu-usuario-do-ec2/bomgusto' |
#!/bin/sh | |
ADDRESS='' | |
PYTHON="<path_to_python>" | |
GUNICORN="<path_to_gunicorn>" | |
PROJECTPATH="<your_project_path>" | |
DEFAULT_ARGS="--workers=3 --daemon --bind=$ADDRESS:" | |
# simples fabfile para aplicar o patch para o bug CVE-2014-6271 | |
__author__ = 'juliomelo' | |
from fabric.api import * | |
from fabric.decorators import hosts | |
import re | |
env.use_ssh_config=True | |
@hosts('host_foo', 'host_bar') | |
@task |
from unicodedata import normalize | |
nome = u'Júlio Mélo' | |
novo_nome = normalize('NFKD', nome).encode('ASCII', 'ignore') | |
print(novo_nome) | |
'Julio Melo' |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
LogFormat "%{X-Forwarded-For}i %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %O \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" proxy |
I use Namecheap.com as a registrar, and they resale SSL Certs from a number of other companies, including Comodo.
These are the steps I went through to set up an SSL cert.
#https://gorails.com/setup/ubuntu/14.04 | |
sudo apt-get update | |
sudo apt-get install git-core curl zlib1g-dev build-essential libssl-dev libreadline-dev libyaml-dev libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev python-software-properties | |
sudo apt-get install libgdbm-dev libncurses5-dev automake libtool bison libffi-dev | |
curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable | |
source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm | |
echo "source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm" >> ~/.bashrc | |
rvm install 2.1.2 | |
rvm use 2.1.2 --default |
upstream fpm_example.com1{ | |
server unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock; | |
server unix:/var/run/php5-fpm1.sock; | |
keepalive 128; | |
} | |
upstream admin { | |
server unix:/var/run/php5-fpm1.sock; | |
server unix:/var/run/php5-fpm2.sock; | |
keepalive 128; | |
} |
{ | |
"type": "FeatureCollection", | |
"features": [ | |
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "UF_05": "AC", "MICRO": "BRASILEIA", "MESO": "VALE DO ACRE", "REGIAO": "Norte", "NOME_UF": "Acre", "GEOCODIGO": "12" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -73.800983150850584, -7.111457753361378 ], [ -73.737625150791587, -7.134317253382619 ], [ -72.90061215001208, -7.436948253664468 ], [ -72.588010149720958, -7.550250253770059 ], [ -72.3029271494554, -7.584564753801942 ], [ -72.168962149330582, -7.600226253816572 ], [ -71.957814649133979, -7.624874753839549 ], [ -71.381112148596912, -7.691940753901918 ], [ -71.087928648323896, -7.725894253933575 ], [ -70.515258647790461, -7.791927253995141 ], [ -70.132605647434161, -7.83582675403602 ], [ -70.051806147358889, -7.847003754046341 ], [ -69.801148147125446, -8.060750754245419 ], [ -69.442709146791572, -8.366957254530575 ], [ -69.212413146577092, -8.56399675471414 ], [ -68.9223356463070 |