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<cfcomponent hint="I this is a sample CFC that handles generic Events">
<cffunction name="onEvent" access="public" hint="I handle incomming events from an event gateway." output="false" returntype="void">
<cfargument name="CFEvent" hint="I am the cfevent structure" required="true" type="struct" />
<!---<cfset var EventMessageClass = CreateObject("Java", "java.lang.Class").forName("com.alagad.ImapWatcher.EventMessage") />
<cfdump var="#EventMessageClass#" output="console" />--->
<cfset var Message = />
<cfset var x = 0 />
<cfset var attachment = 0 />

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What I learned at puppet conf. Vagrant is awesome

What I learned at puppet conf. Vagrant is awesome

What I learned at puppet conf. Vagrant is awesome

justinbarry / gist:4188246
Created December 2, 2012 11:11 — forked from tankchintan/gist:1335220
Procedure for installing and setting Sun JDK Java on Default Amazon Linux AMI
# Get the latest Sun Java SDK from Oracle
wget ""
# Install Java
sudo rpm -i jdk-6u37-linux-x64.bin
# Check if the default java version is set to sun jdk
java -version
# If not then lets create one more alternative for Java for Sun JDK
#!/bin/sh ruby
development_methodologys = [
development_tools = [

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  • I am justinbarry on github.
  • I am jbarry ( on keybase.
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    • Steps to reproduce
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0.7867138762 0.8039959535 0.7833417636 0.8022255943 22531325
0.7836789749 0.8002444782 0.7793795313 0.7930365874 31142497
0.8007924465 0.8023098972 0.7856179396 0.7883156297 27471002
0.7857865453 0.8033215309 0.782245827 0.8008767493 31408927
0.8120890238 0.8126487945 0.7852807284 0.7883999326 41523605
0.8227954814 0.8253245658 0.7916877424 0.8077895802 48272780
0.788652841 0.8021412915 0.7848592143 0.7946383409 42529043
0.7865452706 0.7865452706 0.7610858203 0.7781992919 33729257
0.811347159 0.8132692632 0.77904232 0.7850278199 34524799
0.8071455067 0.8117518125 0.7977575451 0.8038273478 22331829