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Created June 1, 2022 07:39
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"## Optimal Stopping\n",
"\t\tp_{n} = \\max\\{f_{n}, \\mathbb{E}_{Q}[\\alpha p_{n+1}\\vert \\mathcal{F}_{n}]\\}\n",
"Approximate $\\mathbb{E}_{Q}[\\alpha p_{n+1}\\vert \\mathcal{F}_{n}]$ with $c_{n,\\theta}(X_1,\\dots,X_n)$\n",
"such that at each time $n$\n",
"\t\t\\min_{\\theta} \\mathbb{E}_{Q} \\Big[\\big(c_{n,\\theta}(X_1,\\dots,X_n) - \\alpha p_{n+1}\\big)^{2}\\Big]\n",
" \n",
"\t\t\\min_{\\theta} \\sum_{i=1}^{m} \\Big[\\big(c_{n,\\theta}(x^i_1,\\dots,x^i_n) - \\alpha p^{i}_{n+1}\\big)^{2}\\Big]\n",
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"### Backward induction\n",
"p^i_n = g(x^i_n)\\cdot s_{n,\\theta}(x^i_n) + \\alpha p^i_{n+1}\\cdot\\big(1-s_{n,\\theta}(x^i_n)\\big)\n",
"- $p^i_n$: values\n",
"- $g(x^i_n)$ : immediate_exercise_value\n",
"- $\\alpha p^i_{n+1}$: discounted_next_values\n",
"- $s_{n,\\theta}(\\cdot)$: stop(...)\n",
"- $s_{n,\\theta}(x^i_n)$: stopping_rule\n",
"#### DOS (Deep Optimal Stopping):\n",
"$$s_{n,\\theta}(x^i_n) = f_{\\theta}(x^{i}_n) \\in [0,1]$$\n",
"- $f_{\\theta}(\\cdot)$: a neural network\n",
"#### LSM (Least Squares Monte Carlo):\n",
"s_{n,\\theta}(x^i_n) = \\mathbb{1}_{\\{g(x^i_n) \\geq c_{n,\\theta}(x^i_n)\\}}\n",
"- $c_{n,\\theta}(x^i_n)$: continuation_value\n",
"- $c_{n,\\theta}(\\cdot)$: calculate_continuation_value(...)\n",
"c_{n,\\theta}(\\cdot) = \\theta_n^{T}\\phi(\\cdot) = \\sum_{j=1}^{K}\\theta_{n,j} \\phi_{j}(\\cdot)\n",
"- **LSM** (Least Square Monte Carlo): $\\phi_j$ be polynomials\n",
"- **NLSM** (Neural Least Square Monte Carlo): $\\phi_j$ be neural networks\n",
"- **RLSM** (Randomized Least Square Monte Carlo): $\\phi_j$ be randomized neural networks\n",
"- **RRLSM** (Randomized Recurrent Least Square Monte Carlo): $\\phi_j$ be randomized neural networks taking one more hidden input $h_n$\n",
" h_n &= \\sigma(A_x x_n + A_h h_{n-1} + b)\\\\\n",
" c_{n,\\theta}(h_n) &= A_n^{T}h_n + b_n = \\theta_n^{T}\\phi(x_n,h_{n-1})\n",
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"### Reinforcement Learning \n",
"p^i_n = \\max \\{ g(x^i_n), c_{n,\\theta}(x^i_1,\\dots,x^i_n) \\}\n",
"\t\t\\min_{\\theta} \\mathbb{E}_{Q} \\Big[\\sum_{n=1}^{N}\\big(c_{n,\\theta}(X_1,\\dots,X_n) - \\alpha p_{n+1}\\big)^{2}\\Big]\n",
" \n",
"\t\t\\min_{\\theta} \\Big[\\sum_{i=1}^{m}\\sum_{n=1}^{N}\\big(c_{n,\\theta}(x^i_1,\\dots,x^i_n) - \\alpha p^{i}_{n+1}\\big)^{2}\\Big]\n",
" \n",
"#### Fitted Q-Iteration\n",
"c_{n,\\theta}(\\cdot) = \\theta^{T}\\phi(\\cdot, n) = \\sum_{j=1}^{K}\\theta_{j} \\phi_{j}(\\cdot,n)\n",
"- $\\phi_{j}$:\n",
"- **FQI** (fitted Q-Iteration): $\\phi_j$ \n",
"be polynomials\n",
"- **RFQI** (randomized fitted Q-Iteration): $\\phi_j$ be randomized neural networks\n",
"\\phi_{j}(x,n) = (\\sigma(A\\tilde{x} + b) , 1)\n",
"\\tilde{x} = (x, n, N-n) \\in \\mathbb{R}^{d+2}\n",
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