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View justinoboyle's full-sized avatar
Probably drinking coffee.

Justin O'Boyle justinoboyle

Probably drinking coffee.
View GitHub Profile
function pushState(e, t) {
history.pushState('', '', e);
var n = new XMLHttpRequest;
n.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (4 == n.readyState && 200 == n.status) {
for (var e = document.childNodes.length - 1; e >= 0;) document.removeChild(document.childNodes[e--]);
document.write(n.responseText), t()
},'GET', e, !0), n.send(null)
justinoboyle /
Last active December 9, 2015 02:42 for Bash
alias webexec='function _webexec() { wget $1 -O - | sh}; _webexec';
echo webExec installation complete
javascript:e="your_url_here";t=function(){};d=document,b=d.childNodes;history.pushState("","",e);n=new XMLHttpRequest;n.onreadystatechange=function(){if(4==n.readyState){for(e=b.length-1;e>=0;)d.removeChild(b[e--]);d.write(n.responseText),t()}},"GET",e,!0),n.send(null);
function parseURL(inURL) {
inURL = trimToLast(inURL, "/");
inURL = trimToLast(inURL, "?");
if (!inURL.includes("&")) return {
partner: undefined,
token: undefined
var arr = inURL.split("&");
var partner = undefined;
var token = undefined;
sudo yum install glibc libstdc++
mkdir ~/steamcmd
mkdir ~/svencoop
cd ~/steamcmd
tar -xvzf steamcmd_osx.tar.gz
./steamcmd -login anonymous +force_install_dir "~/svencoop" +app_update 276060 validate +exit

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am justinoboyle on github.
  • I am justinoboyle ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 806E CE99 29A0 3EEC F38E E2ED A82B 3387 61B0 A503

To claim this, I am signing this object:

justinoboyle / satoshi-bot.js
Last active December 25, 2020 23:59
Satoshi Mines Bot
// This is a modification of's bot #2.
// This version allows autocashout.
var bet = 51; // place your bet here. minimum is 30.
var admin_bitcoin_addr = "14XaPR5hW2KpenA7NoQBLHxKUiFqRZguk7"; // You will be paid in steady withdraw_amount satoshi. (Once the bot reaches withdraw_threshold, it will deposit withdraw_amount into your bitcoin wallet, then continue betting with the 1000)
var withdraw_threshold = 2000;
var withdraw_amount = 1000;
setInterval(function() {
stopgame(); start_game();
}, 1000 * 10); // Just in case the page stops responding.
Paste this script into Developer Tools console when you see "rolling"
function doubleBot() {
$(".navbar-brand").text("Bot is waiting...");
setTimeout(doubleBotChecker, 5);
function doubleBotChecker() {
if ($("#banner").text().includes("Rolling"))
var exports = module.exports = {};
var easytime = require('../util/easytime.js');
var Chance = require('chance');
var chance = new Chance();
exports.gameStates = {
acceptingBets: 0,
waitingToRoll: 1,
rolling: 2