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foldr3' _ z [] p k _ = k z
foldr3' f'cps z (x:xs) p k k'
| p x = k' x
| otherwise = f'cps x (foldr3' f'cps z xs p k k') $ \y -> k y
main = do print $ foldr3' (\x y k -> k $ x ++ y) []
[[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]] (== []) id id
print $ foldr3' (\x y k -> k $ x ++ y) []
[[1,2],[3,4],[],[5,6]] (== []) id id
foldr3 _ z [] k = k z
foldr3 f_cps z (x:xs ) k = f_cps x (foldr3 f_cps z xs k) $ \y -> k y
main = do print $ foldr3 (\x y k -> k $ x + y) 0 [1..3] id
print $ foldr3 (\x y k -> k $ x + y) 0 [1..3] (* 2)
foldr2'cps _ z [] p k _ = k z
foldr2'cps f z (x:xs) p k k'
| p x = k' x
| otherwise = foldr2'cps f z xs p (\y -> k $ f x y) k'
main = do print $ foldr2'cps (++) [] [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]
(== []) id id
print $ foldr2'cps (++) [] [[1,2],[3,4],[],[5,6]]
(== []) id id
print $ foldr2'cps (+) 0 [1..10] (== 0) id id
foldr2 _ z [] k = k z
foldr2 f z (x:xs) k = foldr2 f z xs $ \y -> k $ f x y
main = do print $ foldr2 (+) 0 [1..10] id
print $ foldr2 (+) 0 [1..10] (* 2)
print $ foldr2 (++) [] [[1,2],[3,4],[],[5,6]] id
foldr2' _ z [] k = k z
foldr2' f z (x:xs) k = foldr2' f z xs $ \y ->
if x == [] then [] else k $ f x y
main = do print $ foldr2' (++) [] [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]] id
print $ foldr2' (++) [] [[1,2],[3,4],[],[5,6]] id
concat'cps [] k = k []
concat'cps ([]:_) k = []
concat'cps (xs:xss) k = concat'cps xss $ \xss' -> k $ xs ++ xss'
main = print $ concat'cps [[1,2],[3,4],[],[5,6]] id
data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving Show
t = Branch
(Leaf 1)
(Leaf 2))
(Leaf 3)
(Leaf 4)
import Control.Monad.State
update :: Int -> a -> State [a] ()
update i x = modify $ \xs -> take i xs ++ x : drop (i+1) xs
swapS i j = do xs <- get
update i (xs!!j)
update j (xs!!i)
swap i j xs = (execState $ swapS i j) xs
swap 0 j (x:xs) = idxAt (j-1) xs : set x (j-1) xs
idxAt 0 (x:_) = x
idxAt j (_:xs) = idxAt (j-1) xs
set x 0 (_:ys) = x:ys
set x j (y:ys) = y:set x (j-1) ys
swap i j (x:xs) = x : swap (i-1) (j-1) xs
import Control.Monad.State
type Ary a = [a]
type Temp a = a
type Vars a = (Ary a, Temp a)
toTemp :: Int -> State (Vars a) ()
toTemp i = modify $ \(xs, tmp) -> (xs, xs!!i)