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John Wiegley jwiegley

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(namespace 'free)
(define-keyset "" (read-keyset "gov"))
(define-keyset "" (read-keyset "vote"))
(module vote GOV
@model [ (defproperty is-vote-option(x:string)
(or (= x 'optiona) (= x 'optionb)))
if [[ ! -f proposals_seen ]]; then
touch proposals_seen
echo "Checking for new proposals at $(date)"
(use-package macrostep
:bind (("C-c e m" . macrostep-expand)
("C-c e M" . macrostep-expand-use-package-minimally))
(defun macrostep-expand-use-package-minimally ()
(let ((use-package-expand-minimally t)
(use-package-compute-statistics nil))
(call-interactively 'macrostep-expand))))
(use-package-statistics-gather :use-package 'bar nil)
(eval-after-load 'foo
(use-package-statistics-gather :init 'bar nil)
(require 'bar nil nil)
(use-package-statistics-gather :config 'bar nil)
(use-package-statistics-gather :config 'bar t)
(use-package-statistics-gather :init 'bar t)))
(use-package-statistics-gather :use-package 'bar t))
fbfn :: Int -> String
fbfn i = fromMaybe (show i) s
s = do
f <- fizz i
b <- buzz i
pure $ f <> " " <> b

(use-package selected :demand t :diminish selected-minor-mode :bind (:map selected-keymap (“[” . align-code) (“f” . fill-region) (“U” . unfill-region) (“d” . downcase-region) (“r” . reverse-region) (“S” . sort-lines))

Effective takeaways from attending a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) course often encompass personal growth, increased awareness, and actionable knowledge. They can include, but are not limited to:

  1. Enhanced Understanding of DEI Concepts: Attendees should gain a deeper understanding of key concepts such as unconscious bias, microaggressions, power dynamics, allyship, and systemic inequality.

  2. Personal Reflection: Individuals often experience self-reflection regarding their own identities and biases and how these may affect their behavior and decision-making processes.

  3. Practical Skills: Acquiring practical tools and strategies for fostering inclusive environments, such as active listening, inclusive language, and conflict resolution techniques related to diversity issues.

  4. Awareness of Diverse Experiences: Gaining insights into the experiences and challenges faced by individuals from marginalized groups can foster empathy and a greater willingness to support and advocate for



An agenda is a tool for facilitators to help them get the most out of a particular meeting. It involves:

  • defining the meeting’s objectives,
  • determining relevant topics, allocating time, and
  • setting expectations for participants.


Some application may require a hash function with a message digest length different than those provided by the hash functions in this Standard. In such cases, a truncated message digest may be used, whereby a hash function with a larger message digest length is applied to the data to be hashed, and the resulting message digest is truncated by selecting an appropriate number of the leftmost bits. For guidelines on choosing the length of the truncated message digest and information about its security implications for the cryptographic application that uses it, see SP 800-107 [SP 800-107].

6338757-1.pact:460: ; se è fase 1 o 2, fase 0 = free mint
6338757-1.pact:469: ;l'update su quanti ne hai mintati lo facciamo solo nella fase 1 ovvero WL, perché nella prima fase free, minti tutti quelli che hai
6338757-1.pact:1070: ; per fare il reveal vediamo quale id ha la richeista, se è più di 1023 allora è un cleric
6352179-1.pact:471: ; se è fase 1 o 2, fase 0 = free mint
6352179-1.pact:480: ;l'update su quanti ne hai mintati lo facciamo solo nella fase 1 ovvero WL, perché nella prima fase free, minti tutti quelli che hai
6352179-1.pact:1129: ; per fare il reveal vediamo quale id ha la richeista, se è più di 1023 allora è un cleric
6365949-1.pact:471: ; se è fase 1 o 2, fase 0 = free mint
6365949-1.pact:480: ;l'update su quanti ne hai mintati lo facciamo solo nella fase 1 ovvero WL, perché nella prima fase free, minti tutti quelli che hai
6365949-1.pact:1135: ; per fare il reveal vediamo quale id ha la ric