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Irssi in Mac OS X Notification Center

Mou icon


This guide will explain how you can make irc messages in a screen on a remote server appear in your Mac OS X Lion Notification Center with the help of terminal-notifier.

We will also explain how the process can be automatically started each time you log in to your Mac and ensure the connection to the server is kept alive.

def max(x, y)
x > y ? x : y
def max_or_zero(x, y)
max(0, max(x, y))
require 'spec_helper'
describe DashboardController do
include Factories::Godzilla
shared_examples "successfully gets the session cards" do
it "is successful" do
get :session_cards

Seven Primitives


> (quote a)


jwieringa / prj_euler_001.clj
Last active December 30, 2015 09:49
How do I learn what idiomatic Clojure looks like?
;Multiples of 3 and 5
; If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23.
; Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.
; Solve using seqs
; My personal favorite
; I like it because I think it is using lazy seqs which, if I understand things, is a great
; way to solve this problem in clojure. It does bother me that there are numbers being generated

Clojure West

Domain driven design with Clojure

  • Organizing larger applications
  • Domain logic shouldn’t include handlers for bad/unclean data.
    • validateur, bouncer, clj-schema for checking data going into the pipeline.
    • domain-specific, semantic checks
    • TODO: Any better ways for doing this conditional validation.
    • Need to factor out common data cleaning utils into shared library.
# This is a programming chellenge from David Bock's series
# "What Computer Scientists Know". This is a problem that can
# be used to discuss a bunch of computer science topics, but
# as I'm providing most of the skeleton of the solution, the
# point of this exercise is to demonstrate 'recursive backtracking'.
# this problem is based on the classic 'triange peg game', a common
# sight in roadside diners in America, in particular, Cracker
for dir in "$PREFIX/opt/rubies" "$HOME/.rubies"; do
[[ -d "$dir" && -n "$(ls -A "$dir")" ]] && RUBIES+=("$dir"/*)
unset dir
function chruby_reset()
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