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Joe Edelman jxe

I'm a turtle.
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jxe / Internet of
Created November 11, 2013 17:18
Internet of Meaning DRAFT spec

Editor, Joe Edelman

Abstract: New protocols and data exchange formats are presented to address issues in link recommendation and “feeds” relevant to users' social, location-based, and time-based situations. The aim is to create a broader, more inclusive, and more user-driven ecosystem around recommender systems and feeds. A new HTTP header ("X-Situation") is proposed, along with a cryptographic proof format ("application/relevance-claim+json") for content providers / activity providers to publish traffic and review data that establishes contextual relevance for use by recommenders. Political avenues for achieving adoption are discussed. One application regards an open web response to facebook newsfeed. (v0.3.3, parts still naive)

Intro, re: Keeping the Internet from Becoming Like TV

Empowering uses of the web—like Kickstarter and—are growing fast, but television- and tabloid-like uses—YouTube, BuzzFeed—are growing even faster. Which will colonize mo

jxe /
Last active August 3, 2018 00:41


HSC1 Lesson 1 Part 1


As we play these games. Do what you're comfortable with. It's really weird material. Pretty much all of the lessons are really weird and that they combine very intellectual stuff with personal stuff. Also, it’s a weird mix of sometimes like performing for each other or telling stories and sometimes getting very analytic about exactly what was said. Just get ready for that and also, if something's too personal, just because somebody else does something personal, you don't have to, stuff like that.

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Ideological Commitments, Norms, and Values

jxe /
Created April 13, 2018 16:24

Everything and Nothing (edit) :: J. L. Borges

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There was no one in him; behind his face (which even in the poor paintings of the period is unlike any other) and his words, which were copious, imaginative, and emotional, there was nothing but a little chill, a dream not dreamed by anyone.

[Remind you of anyone?]

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let text = `
# a taster of HSC 1
For 3-4 readers
This is a wild read that requires some intimacy with strangers. You'll be anonymous.
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Let's start out with a game about our values.

How & Where to be Seen in Berlin

Be seen in a lake, chasing a duck

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am jxe on github.
  • I am jxe ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBzkwErCuztw3P_3cZ-Linwky54HQxWy3AN3ffj_u1N5wo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

"Have an event planned for you by someone else"
ask some:dreamer ➔idea:
What sort of event should someone plan for you?
charge some:planner:
Would you plan @idea for @dreamer?
charge some:coplanner:
Would you coplan @idea with @planner?
ask* dreamer, planner, coplanner ➔date:
Decide together--what's a good date for @idea?

academic fields to start


activity-centric networking (cs/systems)

The early internet was conceptualized as a network of hosts, and newer approaches present a network of content. We explore a third tack, organizing and navigating the internet as a network of activities for users. Hosts, content, and services may contribute to activities and may present the same or similar/substitutable activities. Metadata like duration and desires-fulfilled becomes important to the organization of the internet, and new modes of browsing are possible. Extensions to FB Open Graph and a web rendering based on the open web crawl are presented. {demos: GLDB crawler; No Regrets chrome extension; Lifeworthy feed labeling; Opportunities API}

Signaling the possibility of rapport (hci, urban planning, psych)

jxe / tryst.ceml
Created March 1, 2012 00:16
CEML scripts from the project TRYST with Sara Thacher at Open Engagement
"An opportunity to notice more"
nab many players
ask them:
Can I give you a little mission to do in your next session?
release unless yes:
Okay. That's it for today, then.
pick adjective from sad, green, red, absurd, quiet, lovely, yucky, or bright
tell them:
Ok. Over the next 45m see if you can notice something in the room.