This is for Mac OS X and requires npm.
- Open a terminal
- Type
The shortened link is now in your clipboard. Paste the shortened link wherever you need to!
- Open a terminal
- Type
npm install request
(if you don't already have the request module). - Type
cd /usr/local/lib/node
- Type
vim bitly.js
- Now paste in the following code:
var request = require('request'), sys = require('sys'), link = process.ARGV[2], bitly = ''; function urlencode(str) { return escape(str) .replace('+', '%2B') .replace('%20', '+') .replace('*', '%2A') .replace('/', '%2F').replace('@', '%40'); } // prepend http if it does not exist. if (!/^https?:\/\//i.test(link)) { link = 'http://' + link; } // urlencode the link and add to params. var params = 'login=YOUR_LOGIN_ID&apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY&longUrl='+urlencode(link)+'%2F&format=json'; request({uri:bitly, body:params, method:'POST'},function(error,response,body){ if(!error && response.statusCode === 200 && body) { var json = JSON.parse(body); console.log(; } });
- Type
to save the file and close it. - Back in your terminal type
vim ~/.bash_profile
- Paste in the following block of code:
function bitly() { bitlyPath='/usr/local/lib/node/bitly.js' node $bitlyPath $1 | pbcopy }
- Type
to save the file and close it. - Restart your terminal.
- Type
The bitly link for "" is now in copied into your clipboard.