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jyek /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57

Angular Notes

DOM content ready -> Angular compile -> app.config -> -> runtime digest

Use watches to communicate between directives.

Use services and events to communicate between controllers.

Azure CLI Notes


Install Azure-cli

npm install -g azure-cli
jyek /
Created March 22, 2014 22:29
ORMs for Javascript

waterline, bookshelf, sequelize

Bash Script Syntax

Scripts Should Start With Shebang

#Ubuntu 12.04 LTS VM Setup Notes

Installing LAMP, Postfix and other stuff

For Wordpress installations. Apache is a synchronous server that does not perform well at scale, but in general is needed to work with Wordpress.


Install Nginx



###Useful Modules

  • node-inspector: allows you to debug server side code in a emulated chrome browser environment
jyek /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57 — forked from DavidWittman/

A Brief Introduction to Fabric

Fabric is a deployment management framework written in Python which makes remotely managing multiple servers incredibly easy. If you've ever had to issue a change to a group servers, this should look pretty familiar:

for s in $(cat servers.txt); do ssh $s service httpd graceful; done

Fabric improves on this process by providing a suite of functions to run commands on the servers, as well as a number of other features which just aren't possible in a simple for loop. While a working knowledge of Python is helpful when using Fabric, it certainly isn't necessary. This tutorial will cover the steps necessary to get started with the framework and introduce how it can be used to improve on administering groups of servers.


git clone <repo>

clone the repository specified by ; this is similar to "checkout" in some other version control systems such as Subversion and CVS

Add colors to your ~/.gitconfig file: