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jyotishp /
Last active January 5, 2019 19:38
Configuration files for and Add the contents of inside the http block of nginx.conf on
server {
listen 80 default_server;
listen [::]:80 default_server;
server_name _;
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
location / {
set $iiit_host "";
set $iiit_path $request_uri;
if ($request_uri ~ ^/cdn/([^/]+)(/.*)$ ) {
jyotishp /
Created January 6, 2018 22:55
Generate usage charts from squid logs
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import os
import progressbar
import numpy as np
from plotly import tools
import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from plotly.offline import download_plotlyjs, init_notebook_mode, plot, iplot
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <apriltags_ros/AprilTagDetectionArray.h>
#include <apriltags_ros/AprilTagDetection.h>
#include <geometry_msgs/Twist.h>
double prev_position[3] = {0};
ros::Publisher vel_pub;
jyotishp /
Created May 18, 2018 18:48
Script to scrape Nagios and update Cachet status page
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Import required modules
import os
import requests
import time
import getpass
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
jyotishp /
Created December 16, 2018 10:53
Alumni migration scripts
#### TODO ####
# - Validate input args
# - Handle users with multiple emails
# Overview of steps
# - Check if user exists on Gsuite. If not, stop.
# - Check if user with same username exists in @alumni. If yes, stop.
jyotishp /
Created January 8, 2019 07:23
Restrict SSH access to rsync
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
from datetime import datetime as time
log_path = '/var/log/ssh.log'
client = os.environ['SSH_CLIENT'].split()[0]
jyotishp / argo-wf.yaml
Last active May 23, 2020 20:41
Argo DAG retry issue
kind: Workflow
generateName: wf-
entrypoint: run-steps
onExit: Z
- name: run-steps
time="2020-05-23T21:00:57Z" level=info msg="Processing workflow" namespace=default workflow=wf-v8rff
time="2020-05-23T21:00:57Z" level=info msg="Updated phase -> Running" namespace=default workflow=wf-v8rff
time="2020-05-23T21:00:57Z" level=info msg="DAG node {wf-v8rff wf-v8rff wf-v8rff DAG run-dag nil local/wf-v8rff Running 2020-05-23 21:00:57.559493162 +0000 UTC 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC <nil> nil nil [] [] } initialized Running" namespace=default workflow=wf-v8rff
time="2020-05-23T21:00:57Z" level=info msg="All of node wf-v8rff.B dependencies [] completed" namespace=default workflow=wf-v8rff
time="2020-05-23T21:00:57Z" level=info msg="Pod node {wf-v8rff-770678605 wf-v8rff.B B Pod B nil local/wf-v8rff Pending wf-v8rff 2020-05-23 21:00:57.559951984 +0000 UTC 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC <nil> nil nil [] [] } initialized Pending" namespace=default workflow=wf-v8rff
time="2020-05-23T21:00:57Z" level=info msg="Created pod: wf-v8rff.B (wf-v8rff-770678605)" namespace=default workflow=wf-v8rff
jyotishp / controller-logs.txt
Created June 17, 2020 11:34
time="2020-06-17T11:17:19Z" level=info msg="Processing workflow" namespace=default workflow=retry-timeouts-mzcw8
time="2020-06-17T11:17:19Z" level=info msg="Updated phase -> Running" namespace=default workflow=retry-timeouts-mzcw8
time="2020-06-17T11:17:19Z" level=info msg="Retry node {retry-timeouts-mzcw8 retry-timeouts-mzcw8 retry-timeouts-mzcw8 Retry step-with-retries nil local/retry-timeouts-mzcw8 Running 2020-06-17 11:17:19.340907586 +0000 UTC 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC <nil> nil nil [] [] } initialized Running" namespace=default workflow=retry-timeouts-mzcw8
time="2020-06-17T11:17:19Z" level=info msg="Pod node {retry-timeouts-mzcw8-3754190965 retry-timeouts-mzcw8(0) retry-timeouts-mzcw8(0) Pod step-with-retries nil local/retry-timeouts-mzcw8 Pending 2020-06-17 11:17:19.341432545 +0000 UTC 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC <nil> nil nil [] [] } initialized Pending" namespace=default workflow=retry-timeouts-mzcw8
time="2020-06-17T11:17:19Z" level=info msg="Created pod: retry-timeouts-mzcw8(0)