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i=lambda k:(k*2,11+k%6*-2)[k>5]
print''.join(int(x,16)*' '+p[~y]+'\n'*(~g%2) for x,y,g in zip(p,Q,range(12)))
Index: love_hate_api/
--- love_hate_api/ (revision 3695)
+++ love_hate_api/ (working copy)
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
def ban_item(self, user_id, item_id):
self._save_item_feedback(user_id, item_id, BAN_VALUE)
import glob, os
from subprocess import Popen
for name in (x[:-4] for x in glob.glob('./*.jpg')):
print '%s.jpg -> %s.png' % (name, name)
cmd = 'convert -quality 85 -type optimize %s.jpg %s.png' % (name, name)
os.unlink('%s.jpg' % name)
run "#{activate_environment} && python #{release_path}/scripts/ #{app_ini_file} #{release_path}/popserver/public/javascripts/i18n/catalogs/", :shell => 'bash'
k@k0002:~/popego_gitted$ git svn dcommit
Committing to ...
M popserver/popserver/controllers/api/
Committed r3878
M amazon_configs/common/hosts
r3875 = 5f83a21460732c7a631e7d5db81929a61a853e00 (trunk)
M popserver/popserver/controllers/api/
r3878 = 7872a0aa8bfda978317675acb179464eae4904f9 (trunk)
W: 18a55fd696eaed8693666e10e4026312a039fe23 and refs/remotes/trunk differ, using rebase:
:040000 040000 7e00e5a77b3a96f503d3681552042986c2b3637b e0f2c91c3582d9722e6802dbf82ae5389ee4b50f M amazon_configs
import stat
def chmodize(st_mode):
"""Return the string representation of some file's permissions
matching the ``st_mode`` integer value
st_mode = int(st_mode)
# first
if stat.S_ISREG(st_mode): x = '-'
elif stat.S_ISDIR(st_mode): x = 'd'
heroes.306.hdtv-lol.nfo 2008-Oct-22 23:18:26 3.8K application/octet-stream
heroes.306.hdtv-lol.r00 2008-Oct-22 23:24:46 14.3M application/octet-stream
heroes.306.hdtv-lol.r01 2008-Oct-22 23:25:27 14.3M application/octet-stream
heroes.306.hdtv-lol.r02 2008-Oct-22 23:25:08 14.3M application/octet-stream
heroes.306.hdtv-lol.r03 2008-Oct-22 23:25:22 14.3M application/octet-stream
heroes.306.hdtv-lol.r04 2008-Oct-22 23:25:30 14.3M application/octet-stream
heroes.306.hdtv-lol.r05 2008-Oct-22 23:25:38 14.3M application/octet-stream
heroes.306.hdtv-lol.r06 2008-Oct-22 23:25:37 14.3M application/octet-stream
heroes.306.hdtv-lol.r07 2008-Oct-22 23:25:36 14.3M application/octet-stream
heroes.306.hdtv-lol.r08 2008-Oct-22 23:25:35 14.3M application/octet-stream
heroes.306.hdtv-lol.r00 2008-Oct-22 23:24:46 14.3M application/octet-stream
heroes.306.hdtv-lol.r01 2008-Oct-22 23:25:27 14.3M application/octet-stream
heroes.306.hdtv-lol.r02 2008-Oct-22 23:25:08 14.3M application/octet-stream
heroes.306.hdtv-lol.r03 2008-Oct-22 23:25:22 14.3M application/octet-stream
heroes.306.hdtv-lol.r04 2008-Oct-22 23:25:30 14.3M application/octet-stream
heroes.306.hdtv-lol.r05 2008-Oct-22 23:25:38 14.3M application/octet-stream
heroes.306.hdtv-lol.r06 2008-Oct-22 23:25:37 14.3M application/octet-stream
heroes.306.hdtv-lol.r07 2008-Oct-22 23:25:36 14.3M application/octet-stream
heroes.306.hdtv-lol.r08 2008-Oct-22 23:25:35 14.3M application/octet-stream
heroes.306.hdtv-lol.r09 2008-Oct-22 23:25:05 14.3M application/octet-stream
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import datetime
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify
_ = lambda x: x
class ProjectModuleManager(models.Manager):
def create_from_gate(self, gate_cls):
In [84]: a
{'b1': {'c1': {'d1': 'X1', 'd2': 'X2'}, 'c2': {'d3': 'X3', 'd4': 'X4'}},
'b2': {'c3': {'d2': 'X6', 'd5': 'X1'}, 'c4': {'d7': 'X7', 'd8': 'X8'}}}
In [85]: f(a, 'b1/c2/d4')
Out[85]: 'X4'
In [86]: f(a, 'b2/c4')
Out[86]: {'d7': 'X7', 'd8': 'X8'}