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I can do no better than quote Knuth (1974) on the merits of a concretely algorithmic point of view in mathematics generally:
For three years I taught a sophomore course in abstract algebra for mathematics majors at Caltech, and the most difficult topic was always the study of “Jordan canonical forms” for matrices. The third year I tried a new approach, by looking at the subject algorithmically, and suddenly it became quite clear. The same thing happened with the discussion of finite groups defined by generators and relations, and in another course with the reduction theory of binary quadratic forms. By presenting the subject in terms of algorithms, the purpose and meaning of the mathematical theorems became transparent.
Later, while writing a book on computer arithmetic [Knuth (1969)], I found that virtually every theorem in elementary number theory arises in a natural, motivated way in connection with the problem of making computers do high-speed numerical calculations. Therefore I believe that the tradition
kai-qu /
Created February 18, 2014 20:45
The most poetic description of a hardware random number generator I've ever read. From "What Painting Is" by James Elkins, pages 12-13.

But as I learned by trying to copy Monet’s paintings, that idea is completely mistaken (Colorplate 2). It is not possible to reproduce the effect of a Monet painting by jousting mechanically with the canvas, jabbing a dot of paint here and planting another one there, until the surface is uniformly puckered in Monet’s signature texture. A painter who does that will end up with a picture that looks soft and uninteresting, with a dull pattern of swirling circles like the ones left by some electric rug cleaners. A brush that’s loaded with paint and then pushed onto the canvas makes a circle, more or less, but Monet’s pictures do not have any circles in them. There is only one slightly rounded mark in this detail from one of his garden paintings—the blue patch at the lower right—and it’s rectangular, not circular at all. [The painting below is a different one.]

I don't hate math per se; I hate its current representations. Have you ever tried multiplying Roman numerals? It's incredibly, ridiculously difficult. That's why, before the 14th century, everyone thought that multiplication was an incredibly difficult concept, and only for the mathematical elite. Then Arabic numerals came along, with their nice place values, and we discovered that even seven-year-olds can handle multiplication just fine. There was nothing difficult about the concept of multiplication -- the problem was that numbers, at the time, had a bad user interface.

Bret Victor

kai-qu / gist:e8505d5dfd47c4802d15
Created May 11, 2015 01:17
nested input-output examples
type var = string
type inputVal =
| Impossible
| Any
| Some of exp
type inputAssn = var * inputVal
type output = exp
kai-qu / L
Created June 15, 2015 16:04
changed first rule to P -> P[++NTP+]-PP+ (to use the entire text); depth 4
time But she
face, on Lady feared
and feared time and
Lady and read
stone, cut in
by life; how impassive
"So ropes of gold are found in rivers.
Sometimes these cast off skins are sad-colored and the color catches the eye,
red and blue stones in the river beaches brought out by patches of white-blue snow.
There is an ongoing topological dynamic of enfolding whereby in time matter
pours into itself with a soft malleable voluptuousness of confection,
marshmellowy and dimpled. This is the grey tunic of a dream, which when turned
outward reveals the most lustrous and colorful of silks.
kai-qu / gist:61e405904ce07a7f4ad9
Created August 28, 2015 22:17
Error in honeDns in DnsAutoUnify.v
In nested Ltac calls to "hone_Dns", "finish_planning",
"IndexTactics" (bound to
fun f =>
ltac:(fun FindAttributeUses2 BuildEarlyIndex2 BuildLastIndex2 IndexUse2
createEarlyTerm2 createLastTerm2 IndexUse_dep2
createEarlyTerm_dep2 createLastTerm_dep2 BuildEarlyBag2
BuildLastBag2 =>
ltac:(fun FindAttributeUses1 BuildEarlyIndex1 BuildLastIndex1
kai-qu / tr-result.hs
Last active July 7, 2018 20:02
Result of `runpenrose paper-eval/linear-algebra-maps.sub paper-eval/linear-algebra.sty paper-eval/linear-algebra.dsl` on branch `new-style` after commit 40d96a3
{ trMap =
[ ( Sub "CANVAS"
, fromList
[ ( "height" , FExpr (OptEval (IntLit 400)) )
, ( "width" , FExpr (OptEval (IntLit 200)) )
, ( Sub "Colors"
, fromList
kai-qu / typedefaults.hs
Created August 21, 2018 17:43
Command: on branch `new-style-fast`, run `stack build --profile --ghc-options -Wtype-defaults`
penrose- configure (exe)
Configuring penrose-
penrose- build (exe)
Preprocessing executable 'penrose' for penrose-
[ 5 of 16] Compiling ShapeDef ( src/ShapeDef.hs, .stack-work/dist/x86_64-osx/Cabal- )
/Users/katherineye/Desktop/Code/penrose/src/ShapeDef.hs:529:58: warning: [-Wtype-defaults]
• Defaulting the following constraints to type ‘Double’
(RealFloat a0)
arising from a use of ‘findDef’ at src/ShapeDef.hs:529:58-74
kai-qu / grad.hs
Created August 21, 2018 18:11
Command: `stack ghc grad.hs -- -Wtype-defaults`
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes, RankNTypes, NoMonomorphismRestriction, ConstraintKinds #-}
-- Minimal AD example with polymorphism.
import Numeric.AD
type Autofloat a = (RealFloat a, Floating a, Real a, Show a, Ord a)
f :: (Autofloat a) => [a] -> a
f [x, y] = x^2 + y^2 + 0.1