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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Improving approximate nearest neighbour search with k-nearest neigbors.
Using sklearn-KDTree here just for demonstration. You can plugin much faster
nearest neigbour search implementations (flann, annoy to name a few) for
better results. For benchmarks, check out:
1) Radim Řehůřek (author of gensim) -
2) Erik Bernhardsson (author of annoy) -
kampta /
Last active August 23, 2016 10:28
day to day utilities
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import string
import random
import os
import re
from unicodedata import normalize
from datetime import datetime
import tempfile
kampta /
Created August 23, 2016 10:58
postgreSQL - handy queries

Find all indexes in a postgres table

    t.relname as table_name,
    i.relname as index_name,
    array_to_string(array_agg(a.attname), ', ') as column_names
    pg_class t,
 pg_class i,
kampta /
Last active August 23, 2016 17:36
script for docker-machine upgrade, when local driver and remote driver are not in sync (borrowed from I was getting the following error ```Error response from daemon: client is newer than server (client API version: 1.24, server API version: 1.23)```
arch=$(docker-machine ssh ${mcn_name} dpkg --print-architecture)
docker-machine ssh ${mcn_name} "echo deb [arch=${arch}] ${apt_url}/repo ${lsb_dist}-${dist_version} ${repo} | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list"
docker-machine ssh ${mcn_name} sudo apt-get update
docker-machine ssh ${mcn_name} sudo apt-get install -y docker-engine
docker-machine regenerate-certs ${mcn_name}
kampta /
Created August 23, 2016 16:07
Add swap space in all digitalocean docker-machines when you run out of them
for i in $(docker-machine ls | grep digitalocean | awk '{print $1}'); do docker-machine ssh $i -- ls /swapfile || docker-machine ssh $i "fallocate -l 512M /swapfile && chmod 400 /swapfile && mkswap /swapfile" && docker-machine ssh $i "swapon /swapfile && echo '/swapfile none swap defaults 0 0' >> /etc/fstab" &>/dev/null; done
kampta / docker-machine-rename
Created August 26, 2016 07:09 — forked from alexproca/docker-machine-rename
Rename docker-machine
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#copy this in a folder from path ex: /usr/local/bin
#usage: docker-machine-rename default my-default
STORE_PATH=`docker-machine inspect $OLD_MACHINE_NAME | grep -m 1 StorePath | cut -d ':' -f 2 | cut -c 3- | rev | cut -c 3- | rev`;
cp "$STORE_PATH/machines/$NEW_MACHINE_NAME/config.json" "$STORE_PATH/machines/$NEW_MACHINE_NAME/config.json.bak"
An OrderedSet is a custom MutableSet that remembers its order, so that every
entry has an index that can be looked up.
Based on a recipe originally posted to ActiveState Recipes by Raymond Hettiger,
and released under the MIT license.
Rob Speer's changes are as follows:
- changed the content from a doubly-linked list to a regular Python list.
Seriously, who wants O(1) deletes but O(N) lookups by index?
- add() returns the index of the added item
- index() just returns the index of an item
An OrderedSet is a custom MutableSet that remembers its order, so that every
entry has an index that can be looked up.
Based on a recipe originally posted to ActiveState Recipes by Raymond Hettiger,
and released under the MIT license.
Rob Speer's changes are as follows:
- changed the content from a doubly-linked list to a regular Python list.
Seriously, who wants O(1) deletes but O(N) lookups by index?
- add() returns the index of the added item
- index() just returns the index of an item
kampta /
Created September 28, 2016 14:56
Code to evaluate simple boolean logic in python
Code to evaluate simple boolean logic in python
Taken from:
>>> print nested_bool_eval('(True and False) or (True and False)')
>>> print nested_bool_eval('(True and False) or (True and (True or False))')
kampta /
Created September 28, 2016 14:58
Code to evaluate simple boolean logic in python using pyparsing
# Example of defining a boolean logic parser using
# the operatorGrammar helper method in pyparsing.
# In this example, parse actions associated with each
# operator expression will "compile" the expression
# into BoolXXX class instances, which can then
# later be evaluated for their boolean value.