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Last active June 26, 2021 08:07
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import tactic.rcases
import tactic.ext
import tactic.simp_rw
set_option pp.coercions false
universes u v
class category (obj : Sort u) :=
(mor : obj → obj → Sort v)
(id : ∀{x}, mor x x)
(comp : ∀{a b c}, mor b c → mor a b → mor a c)
(assoc' : ∀{a b c d} (f : mor c d) (g : mor b c) (h : mor a b),
comp f (comp g h) = comp (comp f g) h)
(right_id' : ∀{a b} (f : mor a b), comp f id = f)
(left_id' : ∀{a b} (f : mor a b), comp id f = f)
notation a ` ⟶ ` b := category.mor a b
notation a ` [`cat`]⟶ ` b := @category.mor cat _ a b
notation `𝟭` :=
notation `@𝟭 ` a := _ _ a
infixr ` · `:80 := category.comp
lemma assoc {C} [category C] {a b c d : C} (f : c ⟶ d) (g : b ⟶ c) (h : a ⟶ b) :
f·(g·h) = (f·g)·h :=
by rw category.assoc'
lemma left_id {C} [category C] {a b : C} (f : a ⟶ b) :
𝟭·f = f :=
by rw category.left_id'
lemma right_id {C} [category C] {a b : C} (f : a ⟶ b) :
f·𝟭 = f :=
by rw category.right_id'
def opposite (C : Sort u) := C
notation C `ᵒᵖ`:std.prec.max_plus := opposite C
def op {C : Sort u} : C → Cᵒᵖ := id
def opposite.unop {{C : Sort u}} : Cᵒᵖ → C := id
open opposite
attribute [irreducible] opposite
instance {C} [cat : category C] : category Cᵒᵖ :=
{ mor := λa b, @category.mor C cat b.unop a.unop
, id := λx, C cat x.unop
, comp := by intros; apply category.comp; assumption
, assoc' := by intros; rw assoc
, right_id' := by intros; rw left_id
, left_id' := by intros; rw right_id
def SET : category (Sort u) :=
{ mor := (→), id := @id, comp := @function.comp
, assoc' := by intros; refl
, right_id' := by intros; refl
, left_id' := by intros; refl
instance NAT : category ℕ :=
{ mor := (≤)
, id := by intro; refl
, comp := by intros; transitivity; assumption
, assoc' := by intros; refl
, right_id' := by intros; refl
, left_id' := by intros; refl
namespace test
open nat.less_than_or_equal
def a : 0 ⟶ 1 := step refl
def b : op 1 ⟶ op 0 := a
def x : ℕ ⟶ ℕ := (+ 1)
def y : ℕᵒᵖ ⟶ ℕ := λx, unop x
end test
structure functor' C D [category C] [category D] :=
(obj : C → D)
(map : ∀{a b}, (a ⟶ b) → (obj a ⟶ obj b))
(respect_id : ∀{a}, map (@𝟭 a) = @𝟭 (obj a))
(respect_comp : ∀{a b c} {f : a ⟶ b} {g : b ⟶ c},
map (g·f) = map g · map f)
open functor'
infixr `⥤`:26 := functor'
-- instance {C D} [category C] [category D] :
-- has_coe_to_fun (C ⥤ D) :=
-- { F := λ_, C → D, coe := functor'.obj }
structure natural_transformation {C D} [category C] [category D] (F G : C ⥤ D) :=
(hom : ∀a, F.obj a ⟶ G.obj a)
(nat : ∀{a b} (f : a ⟶ b), f · hom a = hom b · f)
namespace natural_transformation
infixr `~>`:26 := natural_transformation
universes u₁ u₂
variables {C : Sort u₁} {D : Sort u₂} [category C] [category D]
variables {F G H T : C ⥤ D}
def id {F : C ⥤ D} : F ~> F :=
{ hom := λ_, 𝟭
, nat := by intros; rw [left_id, right_id]
def vcomp : G ~> H → F ~> G → F ~> H
| ⟨β, β_nat⟩ ⟨α, α_nat⟩ :=
{ hom := λx, β x · α x
, nat := begin
rw [assoc, β_nat, ←assoc],
rw [α_nat, assoc],
lemma assoc : ∀{γ : F ~> G} {β : G ~> H} {α : H ~> T},
α.vcomp (β.vcomp γ) = (α.vcomp β).vcomp γ :=
rintro ⟨α, α_nat⟩ ⟨β, β_nat⟩ ⟨γ, γ_nat⟩,
unfold vcomp, simp,
funext x,
apply assoc,
lemma left_id : ∀α : F ~> G,
id.vcomp α = α :=
rintro ⟨α, α_nat⟩,
unfold id vcomp, simp,
funext, apply left_id
lemma right_id : ∀α : F ~> G,
α.vcomp id = α :=
rintro ⟨α, α_nat⟩,
unfold id vcomp, simp,
funext, apply right_id
instance : category (C ⥤ D) :=
{ mor := (~>)
, id := λ_, id
, comp := λ{_ _ _}, vcomp
, assoc' := λ{_ _ _ _} _ _ _, assoc
, right_id' := λ{_ _}, right_id
, left_id' := λ{_ _}, left_id
end natural_transformation
notation `Hom[` c `](` `_` `,` y `)` := λx, unop x [c]⟶ y
notation `Hom[` c `](` x `,` `_` `)` := λy, unop x [c]⟶ y
-- lemma left_id_partial {C} [category C] {a b : C} :
-- category.comp 𝟭 = @id (a ⟶ b) := by funext; simp; apply left_id
-- set_option pp.implicit true
def yoneda {C} [category.{u v} C] : C ⥤ (Cᵒᵖ ⥤ Sort v) :=
{ obj := λx,
{ obj := Hom[C](_, x)
, map := λy₁ y₂ f g, g·f
, respect_id := by { intro, funext, apply right_id }
, respect_comp := by { intros, funext, apply assoc }
, map := λx₁ x₂ f,
{ hom := (λy g, f·g)
, nat := begin
intros y₁ y₂ g,
unfold category.comp,
rw assoc,
, respect_id := begin
intro x,
have q : (λ (y : Cᵒᵖ), ((category.comp 𝟭) : (y.unop ⟶ x) → (y.unop ⟶ x)))
= λ (_x : Cᵒᵖ), id := begin
funext, rw left_id, refl
-- simp_rw q,
, respect_comp := sorry
-- { obj := λ X,
-- { obj := λ Y, unop Y ⟶ X,
-- map := λ Y Y' f g, f.unop ≫ g,
-- map_comp' := λ _ _ _ f g, begin ext, dsimp, erw [category.assoc] end,
-- map_id' := λ Y, begin ext, dsimp, erw [category.id_comp] end },
-- map := λ X X' f, { app := λ Y g, g ≫ f } }
def inc : ℕ ⥤ ℕ :=
{ obj := (+ 1)
, map := by apply nat.succ_le_succ
, respect_id := by intros; refl
, respect_comp := by intros; refl
variables {C : Sort u} [category C]
def is_inversion {a b : C} (f : a ⟶ b) (g : b ⟶ a) :=
g·f = 𝟭 ∧ f·g = 𝟭
def is_iso {a b : C} (f : a ⟶ b) :=
∃g : b ⟶ a, is_inversion f g
structure iso (a b : C) :=
mk :: (f : a ⟶ b) (g : b ⟶ a) (inv : is_inversion f g)
notation a `≅` b := iso a b
notation a `[`cat`]≅` b := iso (a : cat) b
instance {a b : C} : has_coe (a ≅ b) (a ⟶ b) :=
def is_epi {a b : C} (f : a ⟶ b) :=
∀c (g₁ g₂ : b ⟶ c), g₁·f = g₂·f → g₁ = g₂
def is_mono {a b : C} (f : a ⟶ b) :=
∀c (g₁ g₂ : c ⟶ a), f·g₁ = f·g₂ → g₁ = g₂
lemma iso_is_epi {a b : C} :
∀f : a ⟶ b, is_iso f → is_epi f :=
intros f f_iso,
intros c g₁ g₂ h₀,
cases f_iso with g h₁,
cases h₁ with gf1 fg1, clear gf1,
rw [←right_id g₁, ←right_id g₂],
rw ←fg1,
repeat { rw assoc },
rw h₀,
lemma iso_is_mono {a b : C} :
∀f : a ⟶ b, is_iso f → is_mono f :=
intros f f_iso,
intros c g₁ g₂ h₀,
cases f_iso with g h₁,
cases h₁ with gf1 fg1, clear fg1,
rw ←left_id g₁,
rw ←left_id g₂,
rw ←gf1,
repeat { rw ←assoc },
rw h₀,
instance {a b : C} {f : a ⟶ b} : has_coe (is_iso f) (is_mono f) :=
⟨iso_is_mono f⟩
instance {a b : C} {f : a ⟶ b} : has_coe (is_iso f) (is_epi f) :=
⟨iso_is_epi f⟩
lemma iso_invert_is_uniq {a b : C} :
∀f : a ⟶ b, is_iso f → ∀g₁ g₂,
is_inversion f g₁ → is_inversion f g₂ → g₁ = g₂ :=
intros f f_iso g₁ g₂ g₁_inv g₂_inv,
apply (f_iso : is_mono f),
rw [g₁_inv.2, g₂_inv.2],
def is_singleton (A) : Prop :=
∃a : A, ∀b, a = b
def is_initial {C} [category C] (a : C) :=
∀b, is_singleton (a ⟶ b)
def initial (C) [category C] :=
{ a : C // is_initial a }
instance initial_to_obj {C} [category C] :
has_coe (initial C) C := coe_subtype
lemma initial_unique {C} [category C] :
∀a b : initial C, is_singleton (a [C]≅ b) :=
intros a, cases a with a a_init,
intros b, cases b with b b_init,
cases (a_init b) with f f_uniq,
cases (b_init a) with g g_uniq,
have fg_inv : is_inversion f g := begin
cases (a_init a) with id_a id_a_uniq,
rw [← id_a_uniq 𝟭, id_a_uniq (g·f)],
cases (b_init b) with id_b id_b_uniq,
rw [← id_b_uniq 𝟭, id_b_uniq (f·g)],
existsi ( f g fg_inv),
intro h, cases h with h h' h_inv, simp, split,
rw [← f_uniq h],
rw [← g_uniq h'],
def is_terminal {C} [category C] (a : C) :=
∀b, is_singleton (b ⟶ a)
def terminal (C) [category C] :=
{ a : C // is_terminal a }
instance terminal_to_obj {C} [category C] :
has_coe (terminal C) C := coe_subtype
-- lemma terminal_unique {C} [category C] :
-- ∀a b : terminal C, is_singleton (a [C]≅ b) := begin
-- intros a b,
-- cases (@initial_unique (Cᵒᵖ) _ a b) with q w,
-- unfold is_singleton,
-- existsi q,
-- end
lemma map_iso {C D} [category C] [category D] {a b : C} (F : C ⥤ D) :
(a ≅ b) → (F.obj a ≅ F.obj b) :=
rintro ⟨f, g, ⟨gf, fg⟩⟩,
apply ( f) ( g),
rw [←F.respect_comp, gf, F.respect_id],
rw [←F.respect_comp, fg, F.respect_id],
lemma init_term_dual {C} [c : category C] :
∀a : C, is_initial a → is_terminal (op a) :=
λa init b, init b.unop
example {C} [category C] {a b : C} {f g : a ⟶ b} (h : ∀{c} (h : b ⟶ c), h·f = h·g) :
f = g :=
rw [←left_id f, ←left_id g],
apply h,
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