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Juriy Zaytsev kangax

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var Person = Class.create({
initialize: function(name) { = name;
Element.Methods.descendantOf = (function() {
var doc = document.documentElement;
// DOM Level 3 approach (Gecko, Opera)
if ('compareDocumentPosition' in doc) {
return function(element, ancestor) {
return (element.compareDocumentPosition(ancestor) & 8) === 8
// IE, Safari
function cmpVersion(a,b) {
var ai, bi;
if (a.startsWith('.')) a = '0' + a;
if (b.startsWith('.')) b = '0' + b;
a = a.split('.');
b = b.split('.');
for (var i=0, l=Math.max(a.length, b.length); i<l; i++) {
ai = typeof a[i] == 'undefined' ? 0 : parseInt(a[i]);
bi = typeof b[i] == 'undefined' ? 0 : parseInt(b[i]);
(function() {
var getText, setText;
if ('innerText' in document.documentElement) {
getText = function(element, shallow) {
return (!shallow) ? $(element).innerText : getText(element);
setText = function(element, text) {
(element = $(element)).innerText = text;
var p = CObject.init().setLeft(100);
p.left; // undefined
p.getLeft(); 100
var serializeElements = (function(){
function isSuccessful(element) {
return (
!element.disabled && // should not be disabled && // should have a name
!'^file|reset$'.test(element.type) && // should not be of `file` or `reset` types
Element.getValue(element) != null // should have a non-null value
Class.Methods.createAccessors = function() {
var accessors = $A(arguments), proto = this.prototype;
if (!accessors.length) {
accessors = Object.keys(proto).reject(function(prop) {
return Object.isFunction(proto[prop]);
proto['get' + prop.capitalize()] = function(){
return this[prop];
// Andrea Giammarchi - Mit Style Licence - V0.2
If: (jQuery.fn.ElseIf = function(fn){
var __If__ = this.__If__ || this,
$ = __If__.filter(fn);
$.__If__ = __If__.filter(function(){return !~$.index(this)});
return $;
return this.__If__;
var sourceIndex = (function(){
var root = document.documentElement,
indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf;
if ('sourceIndex' in root) {
if (root.sourceIndex === 0) { // Opera
return function(e) {
return e.sourceIndex + 1;
else if (root.sourceIndex === 1) { // IE
// Only one closure is created here - i.e. when one of these functions is returned from within anonymous-outer one.
// That returned function will be part of the closure and have access to [[Scope]] of anonymous-outer one.
// The returned function is the only Function object that's being created.
// Function expressions from other blocks are never reached and so are never created
var globalEval = (function(){
if (window.eval) {
return function(s){ window.eval(s) }
else if (window.execScript) {