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'bed': {
'actual': -1000.0,
'target': 0.0,
'offset': 0
'tool0': {
'actual': -669.63,
'target': 300.0,
'offset': 0
p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd_line), shell=True)
self._logger.debug("command executed. PID=%s, Command=%s" % (, cmd_line))
while p.poll() is None:
r = p.returncode
self._logger.debug("returned: %s" % r)
if is_octoprint_compatible(">=1.3.7"):
return (None, None, self.temps)
prefix = textwrap.dedent(
{{% if plugins is not defined %}}
{{% set plugins = {{}} %}}
{{% endif %}}
; Wait for bed to reach 80% of required temp then set to required temp
{% if printer_profile.heatedBed %}
M190 S{{ (plugins.preheat.bed * 0.8)|round }}
M140 S{{ plugins.preheat.bed }}
{% endif %}
; Set tool temps
{% for tool, temp in %}
M104 T{{ tool }} S{{ temp }}
OUTPUT=`gpio -1 read $GPIO_PIN 2> /dev/null`
if [ "$OUTPUT" -eq "0" ]
Looking for help with a third party plugin? Are you the author of a third party plugin and want a centralized place to interact with the OctoPrint community? Have an idea for a new plugin? This is the right place for you.
Things that should go here:
Threads related to specific third party plugins. Be sure to prefix the thread title with the name of the plugin. (eg. "[MQTT Plugin] Am I doing this right?")
Ideas for new plugins that you’d like to see implemented (also use the like button on ideas that others posted!)
5V -> Diode - \
-> Pi
5VSB -> Diode - /
; Wait for bed to reach 80% of required temp then set to required temp
{% if printer_profile.heatedBed %}
M190 S{{ (plugins.preheat.bed * 0.8)|round }}
M140 S{{ plugins.preheat.bed }}
{% endif %}
; Set tool temps
{% for tool, temp in %}
M104 T{{ tool }} S{{ temp }}
- rtsp://admin:PASSWORD@IPADDR/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0&unicast=true&proto=Onvif#backchannel=0
- rtsp://admin:PASSWORD@IPADDR/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=1