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function setup(method)
method = fake;
function fake()
return "faked";
function real()
The simplest(?!?!) way to get JSON.NET to handle serialization of properties with an interface type.
var settings = new JsonSettings();
settings.Converters.Add(new InterfaceConverter<IDataStoreSettings, AccessDataStoreSettings>());
JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Configuration>(contents, settings);
internal class InterfaceConverter<To, From> : JsonConverter
karlseguin / gist:643625
Created October 24, 2010 15:50
add cache-busting to images within stylesheets
require 'zlib'
@@cssPath = '../public/stylesheets/' #relative to where the script is running
@@imagePath = '../public/images/' #relative to where the script is running
@@styleSheets = ['myCssFile1.css', 'AntherCssFile.css']
def crc(fileName)
fileName = @@imagePath + fileName.slice(10..-1)
contents = ; nil
karlseguin / gist:644811
Created October 25, 2010 11:31
Testing without a mock
//re how I would test it ( without a mock
public void CalculatesTheMessagesHash()
var logger = new LoggingService(new MyRealEncryptor());
var message = new Message{Body = "Some Body", Application = new Application(23) };
Assert.AreEqual("E99A18C428CB38D5F260853678922E03", logger. CalculateHash(message));
karlseguin / gist:741933
Created December 15, 2010 13:22
the most fail style ever?
#region public indexers
public MongoCollection<BsonDocument> this[
string collectionName
] {
get { return GetCollection(collectionName); }
public MongoCollection<BsonDocument> this[
string collectionName,
karlseguin / gist:782653
Created January 17, 2011 09:35
I know it's probably wrong, but I prefer to inline (and repeat) most of my variables in a test
#repeated, inline variables
it "should update the email" do
put :update, {:id => 1, :email => ''}
User.count({:id => 1, :email => ''}).should == 1
#extracted variables
it "should update the email" do
id = 1
karlseguin / gist:782765
Created January 17, 2011 11:57
Handling nhibernate exceptions
using System;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using NHibernate.Exceptions;
public class ExceptionConverter : ISQLExceptionConverter
public Exception Convert(AdoExceptionContextInfo context)
var exception = ADOExceptionHelper.ExtractDbException(context.SqlException) as SqlException;
if (exception != null)
karlseguin / gist:782799
Created January 17, 2011 12:32
try to bust through proxies for a remote address
private static readonly string[] _ipHeaderOrder = new[] { "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR", "HTTP_X_CLUSTER_CLIENT_IP", "REMOTE_ADDR" };
public static string ClientAddress(this HttpRequest request)
foreach (string header in _ipHeaderOrder)
string ipAddress = request.ServerVariables[header];
if (ipAddress != null)
return ipAddress;
karlseguin / gist:809495
Created February 3, 2011 13:58
Mock IEnumerable matching.
//Forgive the poor example
public ICollection<User> LoadUsersByStatus(ICollection<UserStatus> statuses)
return _service.LoadUsersByStatus(statuses);
public void GetsTheUsersFromTheService()
karlseguin / support for blank values
Created February 6, 2011 05:06
prevent rails from encoding a a json fragment
class JsonFragment
def initialize(value)
@value = value
def as_json(o = nil)
def encode_json(e = nil)
@value.blank? ? 'null' : @value