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Store file uploads in the database

This gem allows to store carrierwave uploads in the database, eg. on platforms with ephemeral filesystems like Heroku.


# In: Gemfile
gem 'carrierwave-blob', git: ""
karmi / .gitignore
Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
Install an Elasticsearch/Redis/Nginx/Rails/Ruby/Sinatra stack
get '/:post_id' do
last_modification_of_post = Blog::Post[ params[:post_id], {:only => ['id', 'updated_on']} ]
last_modified( last_modification_of_post.updated_on ) if last_modification_of_post
@post = Blog::Post[ params[:post_id] ]
throw :halt, [404, erb(not_found) ] unless @post
erb :post
karmi / gibberish.rake
Created August 5, 2008 13:47
Rake task to extract texts from Ruby/ERb source in your application for the Gibberish plugin dictionary
# Rake task to extract texts from Ruby/ERb source in your application
# Scans patterns like "Hello World"[:hello_world] and dumps them into RAILS_ROOT/lang/new_language.yml
# TODO: Process incrementally, ie. dump newly added strings into existing localization files
require 'fileutils'
namespace :localize do
desc "Extract all texts prepared to be translated from Ruby source"
task :extract do
count, keys, out = 0, [], "# Localization dictionary for the 'Gibberish' plugin (#{RAILS_ROOT.split('/').last})\n\n"
# IN app/controllers/application.rb
require 'uri'
before_filter :set_language
# ...
# Set language by hostname (.com => 'en', .cz => 'cz')
def set_language
module ClassMethods
# Declare in ActiveRecord or ActiveResource class with localized attributes
# You must include the module "manually" in your own classes (ie. put <tt>include HasLocalizedAttributes</tt> in your class)
# See README for example
def has_localized_atributes
include InstanceMethods unless included_modules.include?(InstanceMethods)
module InstanceMethods
def test_proper_localization_for_czech
hostname ''
get :index
assert_tag :tag => 'h1', :content => 'Program Květen/Červen 2008'
assert_select '#topMenu a', :text => 'English'
assert_select '#headMenu strong', :text => 'Program'
assert_select '#program_item_2008-05-30 .day a', :text => 'pátek 30/05'
def test_should_not_list_unpublished_projects
get :index
assert_equal 13, assigns(:projects).size
assert assigns(:projects).delete_if { |p| p.published? }.empty?
def test_should_show_404_when_trying_to_get_not_published_project
get :show, :id => 14
assert assigns(:project)
assert_response :not_found
# Dump of table translations
# ------------------------------------------------------------
CREATE TABLE `translations` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`name` varchar(255) collate utf8_czech_ci default NULL,
`description` text collate utf8_czech_ci,
`lang` varchar(255) collate utf8_czech_ci default NULL,
`reference_id` int(11) default NULL,
`created_at` datetime default NULL,
`updated_at` datetime default NULL,
# artist.rb
class Artist < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :works
has_many :compositions, :through => :works
# composition.rb
class Composition < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :works
has_many :artists, :through => :works