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analyzing osm-rodent
functions or macros with complexity over threshold 60
./src/osm_rodent/domain/driver.clj: list-available-drivers has complexity 63 (33 nodes/1 branches)
./src/osm_rodent/domain/driver.clj: sort-drivers* has complexity 67 (37 nodes/1 branches)
./src/osm_rodent/resource/driver.clj: list-available-drivers has complexity 84 (24 nodes/2 branches)
./src/osm_rodent/util/result.clj: bind has complexity 92 (32 nodes/2 branches)
./src/osm_rodent/external/graphhopper.clj: calculate-distance has complexity 78 (48 nodes/1 branches)
./src/osm_rodent/server.clj: run-jetty-with-hystrix has complexity 145 (85 nodes/2 branches)
analyzing gmap-rodent
functions or macros with complexity over threshold 60
./src/gmap_rodent/util/result.clj: bind has complexity 92 (32 nodes/2 branches)
./src/gmap_rodent/domain/driver.clj: get-driver-distances has complexity 79 (49 nodes/1 branches)
./src/gmap_rodent/redis.clj: try-cache-wcar* has complexity 70 (70 nodes/0 branches)
./src/gmap_rodent/redis.clj: cache-wcar* has complexity 146 (146 nodes/0 branches)
./src/gmap_rodent/resource/driver.clj: list-available-drivers has complexity 84 (24 nodes/2 branches)
./src/gmap_rodent/server.clj: run-jetty-with-hystrix has complexity 145 (85 nodes/2 branches)