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bundle exec veewee kvm build ubuntu14041 --debug --force
warning: ignoring extraneous `ruby-' prefix in version `ruby-1.9.3-p547'
(set by /home/mohammad/newvee/veewee/.ruby-version)
2015-02-02 12:12:43 +0000 - environment - [veewee] Loading configuration...
2015-02-02 12:12:43 +0000 - - [veewee] Initializing veewee config object
2015-02-02 12:12:43 +0000 - - [veewee] No configfile found
2015-02-02 12:12:43 +0000 - environment - [veewee] Environment initialized (#<Veewee::Environment:0x000000037fff50>)
2015-02-02 12:12:43 +0000 - environment - [veewee] - cwd : /home/mohammad/newvee/veewee
2015-02-02 12:12:43 +0000 - environment - [veewee] - veewee_filename : Veeweefile
2015-02-02 12:12:43 +0000 - environment - [veewee] - template_path : ["templates"]
kashif74 / gist:499fc3678b82fbcab2229b8bbec9188e
Created February 6, 2018 13:27
$token_password = "**"
#The Mysql root pass ( if Mysql is installed locally), it has the same value as the YAIM var MYSQL_PASSWORD
$mysql_root_pass = "**"
#the DPM DB user, it has the same value as the YAIM var DPM_DB_USER
$db_user = "dpmmgr"
#the DPM DB user password, it has the same value as the YAIM var DPM_DB_PASSWORD
$db_pass = "**"
# This is an example configuration for a DPM Disk Node.
# You can check the puppet module 'lcgdm' and 'dmlite' for any additional options available.
# !! Please replace the placeholders for usernames and passwords !!
# The standard variables are collected here:
### Bro
LOG_HEADER %{BASE16FLOAT:bro_ts}\t(-|%{DATA:cuid})\t(-|%{IP:src_ip})\t(-|%{INT:src_port})\t(-|%{IP:dst_ip})\t(-|%{INT:dst_port})\t%{GREEDYDATA:bro_message}
CONN (-|%{DATA:proto})\t(-|%{DATA:service})\t(-|%{BASE16FLOAT:conn_duration})\t(-|%{INT:bytes_sent})\t(-|%{INT:bytes_received})\t(-|%{DATA:conn_state})\t(-|%{DATA:local_orig})\t(-|%{DATA:local_resp})\t(-|%{INT:missing_bytes})\t(-|%{DATA:conn_history})\t(-|%{INT:orig_pkts})\t(-|%{INT:orig_ip_bytes})\t(-|%{INT:resp_pkts})\t(-|%{INT:resp_ip_bytes})\t%{GREEDYDATA:tunnel_parents}
HTTP %{INT:transport_depth}\t(-|%{DATA:http_method})\t(-|%{DATA:domain})\t(-|%{DATA:http_uri})\t(-|%{DATA:referer})\t(-|%{DATA:http_version})\t(-|%{DATA:user_agent})\t(-|%{INT:bytes_sent})\t(-|%{INT:bytes_received})\t(-|%{INT:http_resp_code})\t(-|%{DATA:http_resp_msg})\t(-|%{INT:http_info_code})\t(-|%{DATA:http_info_msg})\t(-|%{DATA:http_tags})\t(-|%{DATA:username})\t(-|%{DATA:http_pwd})\t(-|%{DATA:http_proxied})\t(-|%{DATA:sent_fuids})\t(-|%{DATA:sent_file_name})\t(-|%{DATA:
filter {
if [type] == "logstash-bro" and [logtype] == "brossh" {
grok {
patterns_dir => ["/etc/logstash/patterns"]
match => { "message" => "%{LOG_HEADER}" }
if [bro_message] {
grok {
patterns_dir => ["/etc/logstash/patterns"]
match => { "bro_message" => "%{SSH}" }