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Kaz Yoshihara kazk

  • Andela
  • Los Angeles, CA
  • 20:27 (UTC -07:00)
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kazk / zip.swift
Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
Defines zipping functions for types conforming to `SequenceType`.
// Defines zipping functions for types conforming to `SequenceType`.
// - zip (overloaded up to zip7)
// - unzip (overloaded up to unzip7)
// - zipLongest (overloaded up to zipLongest4)
// References:
// - [Convolution (computer science)]:
// MARK: - zip (shortest)
kazk / fix+memoize.swift
Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
Reimplementation of `memoize` function from "Advanced Swift", using the least fixed point.
/// :param: f A function which takes a function, and returns a function with same signature.
/// The returned function can be made recursive by calling the given function.
/// :returns: A recursive function. The least fixed point of the function returned by `f`.
public func fix<T, R>(f: ((T)->R) -> ((T)->R)) -> (T)->R {
return { f(fix(f))($0) }
// Reimplementation of `memoize` from [Advanced Swift], using `fix`
// MARK: unfoldr :: (T, (T)->(U, T)?) -> [U]
public func unfoldr<T, U>(var seed: T, f: (T)->(U, T)?) -> SequenceOf<U> {
return SequenceOf {_ -> GeneratorOf<U> in
return GeneratorOf {
if let (a, b) = f(seed) {
seed = b
return a
return nil
// ([T], (T)->[U]) -> [U]
public func flatMap<S : SequenceType, R : SequenceType>
(sequence: S, f: (S.Generator.Element)->R)
-> SequenceOf<R.Generator.Element>
return SequenceOf {_ -> GeneratorOf<R.Generator.Element> in
var g = sequence.generate()
var ss = GeneratorOf<R> { }
var rG =
// Equality operator for Tuples with elements conforming to `Equatable`. (Up to 6)
func ==<A : Equatable, B : Equatable>(lhs: (A, B), rhs: (A, B)) -> Bool {
return (lhs.0 == rhs.0) && (lhs.1 == rhs.1)
func !=<A : Equatable, B : Equatable>(lhs: (A, B), rhs: (A, B)) -> Bool {
return !(lhs == rhs)
import Foundation
private let DefaultChunkSize: Int = 256
private let DefaultEndOfLine: String = "\n"
/// Class for reading file line by line.
/// Based on DDFileReader by Dave DeLong.
/// [How to read data from NSFileHandle line by line?](
public class FileReader {
kazk / MathFunctionsType.swift
Created January 29, 2015 11:39
Type supporting functions defined in <math.h>
import Darwin
// MARK: - MathFunctionsType -
/// Type supporting functions defined in <math.h>
public protocol MathFunctionsType {
// MARK: Basic operations
/// Computes absolute value of a floating-point value (|x|)
class func fabs(x: Self) -> Self
/// Computes remainder of the floating-point division operation
// MARK: unwrapped
public func unwrapped<A, B>(a: A?, b: B?) -> (A, B)? {
switch (a, b) {
case let (.Some(a), .Some(b)): return (a, b)
default: return nil
public func unwrapped<A, B, C>(a: A?, b: B?, c: C?) -> (A, B, C)? {
switch (a, b, c) {
/// memoize function from Advanced Swift.
/// let fib = memoize {(fib:(Int)->Int, x:Int) in (x <= 1) ? 1 : fib(x - 1) + fib(x - 2)}
/// let 𝜑 = Double(fib(45)) / Double(fib(44)) // ≅ 1.61803398874989...
public func memoize<A : Hashable, R>(body: ((A)->R, A)->R) -> (A)->R {
var memo:[A: R] = [:]
var memoized: ((A)->R)!
memoized = {(a) in
// Creates a sequence that consists of a single element repeated n times,
// or an infinite sequence repeating that element indefinitely.
// [D std.range.repeat]:
public func repeat<T>(x: T) -> SequenceOf<T> {
return SequenceOf {_ -> GeneratorOf<T> in GeneratorOf { x }}
public func repeat<T>(x: T, count: Int) -> SequenceOf<T> {
return SequenceOf {_ -> GeneratorOf<T> in
var i = 0