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xinthink /
Last active January 21, 2020 06:04
Defining Dependencies in Gradle Kotlin DSL

This's for the article Defining Dependencies in Gradle Kotlin DSL.

If you're using [kotlin-dsl] in a multi-project manner, you may want to define all the dependencies in one place. You can put the files into buildSrc, define dependencies in a compat way like this:

extra.deps {
    "auto" {
Arc-blroth / Fabric Game
Created December 9, 2020 20:00
Fabric Game Providers
String getGameId();
String getGameName();

These first few methods are just the internal game id (examples: "minecraft", "javac") and user-friendly name of that game (example" "Minecraft")

String getRawGameVersion();
String getNormalizedGameVersion();

The "raw" game version can technically be any string. The "normalized" game version, however, should generally be a proper semantic version. I recommend that it be consistent even if the target game has changed versioning schemes.

ds300 / yarn-flat-auto.js
Created June 28, 2017 11:45
Automatically choose the latest versions of all packages when running yarn --flat
#!/usr/bin/env node
# run this before using: yarn add --dev node-pty semver
const os = require("os")
const pty = require("node-pty")
const semver = require("semver")
function semverComparator(a, b) {
if (, b)) {