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kbrandwijk / notifier.js
Created August 18, 2021 06:45
Autocode Expo Slack Notifier
const lib = require('lib')({token: process.env.STDLIB_SECRET_TOKEN});
const {createHmac} = await import('crypto');
const safeCompare = require('safe-compare');
// Expo request signature check
const hmac = createHmac('sha1', process.env.SECRET_WEBHOOK_KEY);
const hash = `sha1=${hmac.digest('hex')}`;
console.log('context.params', context.params)
"expo": {
"plugins": [
"minSdkVersion": 23,
"bluetoothAlwaysPermission": "My permission description",
"localNetworkUsagePermission": "My other permission description"
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const configPlugins = require("@expo/config-plugins");
const withAppDelegate = (config) => { //refactor this part?
return configPlugins.withAppDelegate(config, async config => {
let res = config.modResults
// ROLLBAR import
import pyproj
from math import sqrt
lon = -108.334368
lat = 39.126934
size = 2000
endlon, endlat, _ = pyproj.Geod(ellps='WGS84').fwd(lon, lat, 135, sqrt(size**2 + size**2))
print (f'{endlon:.6f}, {endlat:.6f}')
local modDirectory = g_currentModDirectory
function loadHelplines()
self.helpLineManager:loadFromXML(Utils.getFilename("helpLine.xml", modDirectory))
function load(mission)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no" ?>
<category title="Test Category">
<page title="Page Title">
<item type="text" value="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ac felis ac velit sagittis tempor quis a risus. Donec ac enim eget turpis porta dapibus. Phasellus efficitur iaculis nibh, sit amet elementum erat pellentesque in." />
<item type="image" value="maps/myimage.png" imageSize="1024 512" imageUVs="0px 0px 1024px 256px"/>
<item type="text" value="Vestibulum nunc quam, aliquam eget iaculis in, rutrum a velit. Nunc elementum risus ligula, sed maximus ligula feugiat ac. In congue enim sed lectus mattis, sed porttitor orci lacinia. Curabitur id porttitor arcu." />
<item type="image" value="maps/myimage.png" imageSize="1024 512" imageUVs="0px 256px 1024px 256px"/>
<item type="text" value="The end" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no" ?>
<map width="2048" height="2048" imageFilename="maps/pda_map_H.png" >
<helpline filename="helpLine.xml" />
local modDirectory = g_currentModDirectory
function overwriteGameplayHints()
-- remove the existing hints
g_gameplayHintManager.gameplayHints = {}
-- open your own hints xml file
local xmlFile = loadXMLFile("gameplayHints", Utils.getFilename("maps/gameplayHints.xml", modDirectory))
-- loop through all the entries and feed them to the gameplayManager
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no" ?><gameplayHints>
<gameplayHint>This is a hint specific to your map.</gameplayHint>
<gameplayHint>This is another hint.</gameplayHint>
<gameplayHint>And one more.</gameplayHint>
<gameplayHint>And another one.</gameplayHint>
<gameplayHint>More hints...</gameplayHint>
<gameplayHint>As many as you want.</gameplayHint>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no" ?>
<map width="2048" height="2048" imageFilename="maps/pda_map_H.png" >
<gamePlayHints filename="gameplayHints.xml" />