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mmasashi /
Created January 3, 2014 19:48
Downgrade rubygems version.
$ gem -v
$ gem list rubygems-update
$ gem uninstall -v 2.0.3 rubygems-update
$ gem install -v 1.8.24 rubygems-update
$ update_rubygems
$ gem -v
Lego2012 / date-formatting.html
Last active August 31, 2023 20:21
Jekyll Casts - Date Formatting #jekyll
<!-- To start with we’ll add some basic Front Matter to /date-formatting.html including a date in ISO 8601 format. -->
layout: default
title: Date Formatting
date: 2016-03-23T10:20:00Z
<!-- Now we can run the date through a filter to get the desired format. -->
$themes: (
default: (
logo: url("../images/brand/logo_vertical.svg"),
bg: $bg--light,
card-bg: $bg--card--light,
text: $text--light,
text-secondary: $text--2--light,
link: $brand--blue--light,
hover: $hover--light,
border: $border--light
okanon /
Last active June 29, 2024 01:49
AlpineLinux with wlan settings

AlpineLinux with wlan settings.

Install necessary drivers and software

First make sure your wireless drivers are loaded properly.
Install wpa_supplicant & dhcpcd.

apk add wpa_supplicant dhcpcd


yactouat / responsive.scss
Last active September 16, 2023 05:17
a responsive mixin in SCSS
// SO responsive mixin
// a mixin is different from a function as it does not return a value but serves as placeholder for code
@mixin responsive( $breakpoint ) {
breakpoints are viewport arbitrary values,
they are defined with the aim of allowing the SCSS/CSS code of your app' behave accordingly to your user's device width,
the breakpoints I used were inspired by Bootstrap =>
@if $breakpoint == smartphone-portrait {