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rajeshsegu / BrowserDetectProtocol.js
Created September 13, 2012 19:26
Detect Browser Custom Protocols
<title>Detect Custome Protocol</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<input id="protocol" value="" placeholder="custom protocol"/>
<button id="launch">Launch</button>
<!-- Mozilla Only -->
<iframe id="hiddenIframe" src="about:blank" style="display:none"></iframe>
visenger /
Last active January 31, 2023 19:10
Scala and sbt installation on ubuntu 12.04
# one way (older scala version will be installed)
# sudo apt-get install scala
#2nd way
sudo apt-get remove scala-library scala
sudo dpkg -i scala-2.11.4.deb
sudo apt-get update
shekibobo /
Last active March 2, 2020 11:04
Android: Base Styles for Button (not provided by AppCompat)

How to create custom button styles using Android's AppCompat-v7:21


AppCompat is an Android support library to provide backwards-compatible functionality for Material design patterns. It currently comes bundled with a set of styles in the Theme.AppCompat and Widget.AppCompat namespaces. However, there is a critical component missing which I would have thought essential to provide the a default from which we could inherit our styles: Widget.AppCompat.Button. Sure, there's Widget.AppCompat.Light.ActionButton, but that doesn't actually inherit from Widget.ActionButton, which does not inherit from Widget.Button, so we might get some unexpected behavior using that as our base button style, mainly because Widget.ActionButton strictly belongs in the ActionBar.

So, if we want to have a decently normal default button style related to AppCompat, we need to make it ourselves. Let's start by digging into the Android SDK to see how it's doing default styles.

Digging In

RxJS Cache Operator

RxJS RC0 removed the cache operator - see ReactiveX/rxjs#2012 for more detail

This gist includes the removed operator in case you are using it in existing app. We recommend migrating off of this operator in favor of a supported one, but you may use this one temporarily.

If you're using Typescript, simply include the .ts file in the gist somewhere in your project, and import the file somewhere in your app.

If you're using an ES5 build of Angular, simply require or include the cache-operator.umd.js file included here.