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kencoba / Formal Methods Forum#12
Created December 5, 2010 13:42
2010/12/05 Formal Methods Forum 2010年振り返り
(ns fmf20101205
(:use L5 L5.layout)
(:import [java.awt Color]))
{:width 640 :height 480
:font-family "Gill Sans"
:font-size 30
:color (Color/darkGray)
:background-color Color/white})
kencoba / Verified Programming in Guru
Created December 5, 2010 13:44
超訳Verified Programming in Guru
(ns Verified_Programming_in_Guru
(:use L5 L5.layout))
{:width 640 :height 480
:font-family "Gill Sans"
:font-size 25})
(defmacro code [& body]
`(with {:font-family "MS ゴシック" :font-size 14}
kencoba / meisuu.clj
Created December 10, 2010 15:55
(trans-meisuu "千二百億十三")
(use 'clojure.contrib.str-utils)
(def digits {"零" 0 "一" 1 "二" 2 "三" 3 "四" 4 "五" 5 "六" 6 "七" 7 "八" 8 "九" 9})
(defn- str-first [s]
(str (.charAt s 0)))
(defn- trans-ichi [s]
(let [n (re-find #"[一二三四五六七八九]$" s)]
(if (nil? n) 0 (digits n))))
kencoba / StateTransitionCheck.als
Created December 24, 2010 02:37
find unreachable state
abstract sig State {
transient:set State
one sig O,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I extends State {}
kencoba / prover.clj
Created February 19, 2011 04:49 — forked from anonymous/prover.clj
"Simple Theorem Prover 'Programming Language Theory and its Implementation' Michael J.C. Gordon"
:author "Kenichi Kobayashi"}
(:use [clojure.test])
(:require [clojure.walk :as cw]))
(def constant #{'+ '- '< '<= '> '>= '* '= 'T 'F 'DIV 'not 'and 'or 'implies})
kencoba / cells.clj
Created February 21, 2011 08:05
origina by Stuart Sierra. []s in doseq are modified.
;;; cells.clj -- simple data-flow extension for Clojure
;; by Stuart Sierra,
;; September 20, 2008
;; Based on Ken Tilton's Cells package for Common Lisp,
;; Copyright (c) 2008 Stuart Sierra. All rights reserved. The use and
;; distribution terms for this software are covered by the Common
kencoba / n-indexed.clj
Created March 6, 2011 02:47
n-indexed clojure.contrib.seq-utils.indexed for n-dimension.
(ns n-indexed
(:require [clojure.contrib.seq-utils :as s])
(:use [clojure.test]))
(defn n-indexed [s]
(cond (not (coll? s)) s
(not (coll? (first s))) (s/indexed s)
:else (reduce concat
(for [[i ls] (s/indexed (map n-indexed s))]
(map #(cons i %) ls)))))
kencoba / y-combinator.clj
Created March 9, 2011 05:02
(use 'clojure.contrib.trace)
(defn fact-gen [fact-in]
(fn [n]
(if (= n 0)
(* n (fact-in (- n 1))))))
(defn Y [r]
((fn [f] (f f))
kencoba / komachi.clj
Created March 9, 2011 08:53
Komachi calculation problem
(defn eval-expr [expr]
(loop [f expr]
(let [fst (nth f 0)
op1 (nth f 1)
scd (nth f 2)]
(if (= (count f) 3) (op1 fst scd)
(let [op2 (nth f 3)
thd (nth f 4)
rst (drop 5 f)]
(if (or (= op2 #'+) (= op2 #'-))
kencoba / magic_square.clj
Created March 9, 2011 09:25
3 * 3 magic square
(use '[clojure.contrib.combinatorics :only (permutations)])
(for [pattern (permutations [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9])
(let [a1 (nth pattern 0)
a2 (nth pattern 1)
a3 (nth pattern 2)
b1 (nth pattern 3)
b2 (nth pattern 4)
b3 (nth pattern 5)