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kenrett / zoo.js
Last active December 17, 2015 16:19 — forked from dbc-challenges/zoo.js
// YOUR CODE: Create your Zoo "object literal" and Animal "constructor" and "prototypes" here.
function Animal(name, num_of_legs) { = name
this.legs = num_of_legs
Animal.prototype.identify = function() {
/* Here is your chance to take over Socrates!
Spend 10 minutes on each of the following hacks to the socrates website.
Enter them in the console to make sure it works and then save
your results here.
Choose a new pair for each. Add your names to the section you complete.
/* Here is your chance to take over Socrates!
Spend 10 minutes on each of the following hacks to the socrates website.
Enter them in the console to make sure it works and then save
your results here.
Choose a new pair for each. Add your names to the section you complete.
/* Here is your chance to take over Socrates!
Spend 10 minutes on each of the following hacks to the socrates website.
Enter them in the console to make sure it works and then save
your results here.
Choose a new pair for each. Add your names to the section you complete.


  1. Download this application skeleton.
  2. Convert the app to use AJAX.
  3. Add any files you changed to your gist and submit your code.
kenrett / gist:5130538
Last active December 14, 2015 18:38
class GuessingGame
class GuessingGame
def initialize(answer)
@answer = answer
def guess(g)
@guess = g
if @answer < @guess
return :high
def mode(array)
a = array.inject( { |key, value| key[value] += 1; key }
array.sort_by { |value| a[value] }.last
def factorial(n)
if n == 0
return 1
counter = 0
array = []
while n >= counter
n.times do |i|
array << i *= (n-counter)
def times_table(rows)
if rows == 0
return false
array = []
counter = 1
while counter <= rows
1.upto(rows) do |i|
array << i*counter