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Ruben Egiguren keopx

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keopx / JwtRouteSubscriber.php
Created December 2, 2017 09:43
Alter routes options and requirements
namespace Drupal\my_module\Routing;
use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteSubscriberBase;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection;
* Listens to the dynamic route events.
keopx /
Created November 7, 2017 08:37 — forked from GreenSkunk/
Drupal - Bash shell script to fix Drupal 8 permissions where the PHP Handler is FastCGI.
help="\nHelp: This script is used to fix permissions of a Drupal 8 installation in which the PHP Handler is FastCGI\nYou need to provide the following arguments:\n\t 1) Path to your drupal installation\n\t 2) Username of the user that you want to give files/directories ownership\n\nNote: This script assumes that the group is the same as the username if your PHP is compiled to run as FastCGI. If this is different you need to modify it manually by editing this script or checking out forks on GitHub.\nUsage: bash ${0##*/} drupal_path user_name\n"
echo "Refer to"
keopx /
Created November 2, 2017 12:09
drush sql-drop --default-file
drush sql-drop --default-file
keopx /
Created October 21, 2017 06:53 — forked from spenserlee/
Personal notes for dual booting Windows and Linux on XPS 15 9560

Installing Ubuntu GNOME 17.04 on XPS 15 9560

This document is to serve as a set of notes for myself and can be used as a guide for others looking to set up Ubuntu on their XPS 15. For me this was a dual-boot setup with Windows 10. On Linux I don't have a need for the discrete graphics card, so the main focus is to maximize battery life for development.

I had initially tried to dual boot with Fedora 25, but ran into a lot of issues trying to disable the discrete graphics card, resulting in poor battery life. Instead of starting over with Fedora again, I decided to try with Ubuntu, since there seemed to be a few more resources available.

My XPS Configuration is: i7, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD, 4K Screen.


keopx /
Created October 16, 2017 13:31
Drupal - Bash shell script to fix Drupal permissions
help="nHelp: This script is used to fix permissions of a drupal installationnyou need to provide the following arguments:nt 1) Path to your drupal installationnt 2) Username of the user that you want to give files/directories ownershipnNote: "www-data" (apache default) is assumed as the group the server is belonging to, if this is different you need to modify it manually by editing this scriptnnUsage: (sudo) bash ${0##*/} drupal_path user_namen"
if [ -z "${path}" ] || [ ! -d "${path}/sites" ] || [ ! -f "${path}/modules/system/system.module" ]; then
echo "Please provide a valid drupal path"
echo -e $help
keopx / script.pipeline
Created October 11, 2017 07:09 — forked from juampynr/script.pipeline
Jenkins job to sync Production into Develoment
String pro_domain = ''
String dev_domain = ''
String drush_pro = "drush -l ${pro_domain} -r /var/www/${pro_domain}/current/web"
String drush_dev = "drush -l ${dev_domain} -r /var/www/${dev_domain}/current/web"
String files_pro = "/var/www/${pro_domain}/shared/web/sites/default/files/"
String files_dev = "/var/www/${dev_domain}/shared/web/sites/default/files/"
String rsyncOpts = '-azv --delete --exclude .php --exclude php --exclude styles'
String deploySshKeyId = 'some-key-id'
lock(resource: "") {
keopx /
Created October 3, 2017 06:33 — forked from andrezrv/
Purge all Varnish cache.
# Purge all Varnish cache
varnishadm "ban req.url ~ /"
keopx /
Last active September 27, 2017 12:24
keopx / ImageStyleGenerator.php
Created September 1, 2017 11:31
Drupal 8 generate image style
* Create images with timeline ImageStyle.
protected function createImages() {
$style = ImageStyle::load('timeline');
$style_extra = ImageStyle::load('timeline_extra');
$nodes = $this->getNodes();
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
docker run -it -p -t 36_web:latest bash