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{status: "Created", msg: "Cadastrado com Sucesso", total: 1, summary: {},…}
data: {id: 292, code_external: "EN-VEH-0", payment_type: "1", delivery_price: 11.44, price: 80, status: 98,…}
address: {id: 287, order_id: 292, code_post: "74430390", street: "Rua Paulo VI", number: "199",…}
code_external: "EN-VEH-0"
created_at: "2020-08-14T16:50:01"
delivery_price: 11.44
hive_number: null
id: 292
observation: ""
order_accepted_at: null
"EventID": "54357",
"ScheduleID": "388583",
"SiteID": "428",
"Title": "Spinning",
"Description": "",
"StartDateTime": "13-08-2018T8:00",
"EndDateTime": "13-08-2018T9:00",
"IsCancelled": "0",
"InstructorName": "",
keviocastro / fix: itellij ide very slow in big files
Last active June 15, 2018 14:09
fix erro: id intellij very slow in big files
Replace config in file <itellij directory>/bin/idea.vmoptions
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<span>Aula Cheia</span>
keviocastro / cloudSettings
Last active November 24, 2017 15:49
Visual Studio Code Settings Sync Gist
alias docker-schools-reset="cd $SCHOOLS_DIR \
&& docker-compose stop \
&& docker-compose rm -f \
&& rm -rf .env \
&& docker-compose up -d \
&& docker exec schools_web_1 scripts/ 'php artisan db:seed' \
&& docker exec schools_web_1 php artisan db:seed --class="SchoolCalendar2016" \

Processo seletivo para desenvolvedores back-end. Teste prático.

Sobre o teste:

Somos rigorosos com qualidade, apreciando os detalhes, então vamos automatizar nossos testes.

Abraçamos a aventura, sempre aprendendo com curiosidade e mente aberta e por isso vocês são livres para escolher de que forma vão desenvolver o software (frameworks, apis, etc.).

Ao final do prazo você deve disponibilizar seu projeto para nossa avaliação no github.

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