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Khalid Williams khalidwilliams

  • Homebound Technologies, Inc.
  • Chapel Hill, NC
View GitHub Profile

Take 10 minutes to research the following in breakout groups. When you get back, I'm gonna call on some people to answer and explain.

1. What does the fetch api do?
2. What does .fetch() return?
3. What does .then() do? What is the method called on? What does it return?
4. What does .catch() do? What is the method called on? What does it return?

And tackle this diagram:

Intermission Testing Resources

Exercises / Repos

  1. Add tests to any incomplete projects from the inning.
  2. Go through the Async React Testing lesson. Fully test out the idea box, including happy and sad paths for all end points.
  3. Get the repo from the React Router lesson. Complete all routes on the app, then write integration and unit tests with a MemoryRouter. Then refactor all tests to use a Router and history object. Which do you prefer?
  4. Write unit and integration tests for every component in this PostIt App

Tutorials / Documentation

  1. Tutorials:

Final Project Submission

school's out

Congratulations! Last project is DONE.

When you're ready to submit, comment on this gist with your:

  • project link
  • deployed site (if deployed)
  • project manager

Mid Mod Submission

girl smashing bowl in celebration

YOU DID IT!!!!!!

Throw a comment down below with a link to your mid mod repo.

Paired Project Submission

congratulations gif


Congrats y'all, the paired project is done!

When you're ready to submit, comment on this gist with your:

  • Group Memembers

React Router Prework

This gist contains a short assignment I'd like everyone to complete before our formal lesson. The prework involves reading some of the React Router documentation, and will allow us to keep the lesson more hands on.


  1. Fork this gist
  2. On your own copy, go through the listed readings and answer associated questions
  3. Comment a link to your forked copy on the original gist

Questions / Readings

React Router Prework

This gist contains a short assignment I'd like everyone to complete before our formal lesson. The prework involves reading some of the React Router documentation, and will allow us to keep the lesson more hands on.


  1. Fork this gist
  2. On your own copy, go through the listed readings and answer associated questions
  3. Comment a link to your forked copy on the original gist

Questions / Readings

Week 1 Project Submission

You did it! First project down. Give yourself a pat on the back and take a well-deserved nap.

Comment on this gist with a link to your GH Repo and deployed site (if you deployed it -- no worries if not!).

Proud of Y'all

jQuery DOM Practice

This gist contains some exercises to practice jQuery DOM traversal.

We'll use this list of presidents to practice.

Complete the following exercises in repl. You can always console.log things to verify your selections work.

  1. Select all of the tr elements.
  2. Make the background color of cells in the Name, Term and Party Affiliation columns red, white and blue, respectively.
  3. Make the check box cells of any Federalist, whig and democratic presidents blue (you can add a class of blue)