I hereby claim:
- I am khalsah on github.
- I am hargobind (https://keybase.io/hargobind) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is 7C55 F620 2A40 CA75 7D7A 3FD6 4780 084B 4AB1 5393
To claim this, I am signing this object:
Given /^the following (.+) exist(?:s|):$/ do |model_name, table| | |
model_name = model_name.split(' ') | |
variation_name = [] | |
begin | |
model = model_name.join('_').classify.constantize | |
rescue | |
variation_name << model_name.shift | |
if model_name.length > 0 then retry else raise end | |
end | |
args = [] |
class MoveStatusDataToStatusChangeActions < ActiveRecord::Migration | |
def self.up | |
execute <<-EOQ | |
INSERT INTO actions(status_code, attendance_id, type, occurred_at, created_at, updated_at, archived_title, archived_company_id) | |
statuses.status, statuses.attendance_id, 'StatusChangeAction', statuses.created_at, statuses.created_at, statuses.updated_at, titles.title, companies.id | |
FROM statuses | |
JOIN attendances ON attendances.id = statuses.attendance_id | |
JOIN people ON people.id = attendances.person_id | |
JOIN employments ON employments.id = people.current_employment_id |
#!/bin/sh | |
LOCAL_BRANCH="master" | |
LIVE_BRANCH="live" | |
REMOTE_NAME="deploy" | |
if [ "$(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD)" != "refs/heads/${LOCAL_BRANCH}" ]; then | |
echo "Not on ${LOCAL_BRANCH}, not deploying" | |
exit 1 | |
else |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object: