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tdchien / rambox_zalo.js
Last active August 24, 2019 03:34
Intergrate zalo with Rambox. This script is used update unread message for zalo on rambox
function checkUnread() {
console.log('checkUnread run');
var msg = document.getElementById("message-tab");
var img = msg.querySelector(".tab-red-dot");
if ((img == null) || (img == undefined)) {
// rambox.clearUnreadCount();
document.title = originalTitle;
var src = img.attributes["src"];
tuantmb / demo_auto_click.au3
Last active March 30, 2019 02:18
Demo auto click using autoit code
; Best Practice:
; - Start new applition every session you want to do your task
; (because this application uses multi tabs, choose wrong tab then click with absolute coordinates ==> you fail)
; Finish session => close application to release resource
; - Fix position of your application before doing anything
; - Use Sleep(500) to debug (view step by step every code)
; - Run autoit application with UAC(Administrator) ìf needs (because ISD-VPE2100 required UAC(Administrator),
; so to avoid permission problems, run your autoit application with the same permission with ISD-VPE2100)