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(defn str-template
[s & args]
(fn [params]
(apply format s ((apply juxt args) params))))
user=> (def t1 (str-template "My name is %s, my id is %s" :firstname :ssn))
user=> (t1 {:firstname "John" :lastname "Doe" :ssn "111111" })
"My name is John, my id is 111111"
kirasystems / gist:2946182
Created June 18, 2012 00:40
without-results function
(defn without-results
"Stop the query returning results."
(dissoc query :results))
; Example
(insert log without-results (values [{:foo 1 :bar 2}]))
(defrecord Fragment [t p1 p2])
(defprotocol FragmentProtocol
(t [fragment] "Return the type.")
(switch-type [fragment] "Switch type."))
(deftype TypeFragment [f-type p1 p2]
(t [this] f-type)
(switch-type [this] (TypeFragment. (if (= f-type :type-a) :type-a :type-b) p1 p2)))
(send-message ^{:host ""}
{:from ""
:to ""
:subject "Hi!"
:body [:related
{:type "text/html"
:content "<b>Test!</b>"}
;;;; supports both dispositions:
{:type :attachment
:content ( "/tmp/foo.txt")}