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Last active May 29, 2023 15:55
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Run Scala in Google Colab with Almond
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
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"name": "scala"
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"source": [
"<a href=\"\" target=\"_parent\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Open In Colab\"/></a>"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": [
"# Run Scala in Google Colab with Almond\n\n",
"### <u>**Deprecation warning:**</u> Google Colab interface has seemingly undergone changes and does not allow to use side kernels the way it used to be. I myself have stopped using Google Colab and have been using Docker images and containers instead. To run Scala in Jupyter Notebook as a Docker container, you can use this [guide of mine]( based on `jupyter/all-spark-notebook` Docker image, the latest Almond and Scala. Happy coding!"
"metadata": {
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"source": [
"## Important prerequisite 1 / 3\n",
"Open your Colab Notebook with a text editor and make sure the `kernelspec` key is set to work with Scala, like so:\n",
" ⋮\n",
" \"kernelspec\": {\n",
" \"display_name\": \"Scala\",\n",
" \"name\": \"scala\"\n",
" }\n",
" ⋮\n",
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"source": [
"## Important prerequisite 2 / 3\n",
"Run the cell below to [install the Almond kernel]( into the global Jupyter kernels:"
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"! curl -sS -Lo coursier\n",
"! chmod +x coursier\n",
"! ./coursier launch --fork almond -- --install 1>/dev/null 2>&1\n",
"! rm -f coursier"
"metadata": {
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"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": [
"## Important prerequisite 3 / 3\n",
"Reload Google Colab page for Scala to activate."
"metadata": {
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"source": [
"Now you can work in Scala:"
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"colab": {
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"id": "ujAul9CtDJ2A"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": [
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"name": "stdout",
"text": [
"version 2.13.8\n"
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"for (day <- 1 to 16) {\n",
" if (0 < day % 7 && day % 7 < 6) println(f\"$day%02d: work day\")\n",
" else println(f\"$day%02d: week end!!!\")\n",
"metadata": {
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"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
"outputId": "8eaebd8b-6b9a-4540-c95c-577cdaceb1e0"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"name": "stdout",
"text": [
"01: work day\n",
"02: work day\n",
"03: work day\n",
"04: work day\n",
"05: work day\n",
"06: week end!!!\n",
"07: week end!!!\n",
"08: work day\n",
"09: work day\n",
"10: work day\n",
"11: work day\n",
"12: work day\n",
"13: week end!!!\n",
"14: week end!!!\n",
"15: work day\n",
"16: work day\n"
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"import scala.language.postfixOps\n",
"def sorter(a: Array[Int]): Array[Int] = {\n",
" if (a.length <= 1) a\n",
" else {\n",
" val pivot = a(a.length / 2)\n",
" Array.concat(\n",
" sorter(a filter (pivot >)),\n",
" a filter (pivot ==),\n",
" sorter(a filter (pivot <)),\n",
" )\n",
" }\n",
"val arr = Array(3, 5, 6, 8, 2, 9, 7, 7)\n",
"val sorted_arr = sorter(arr)"
"metadata": {
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
"id": "Tb3ZeBrlDzIW",
"outputId": "f6c8835f-54dc-4671-d974-3335a1b7500c"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "execute_result",
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"\u001b[32mimport \u001b[39m\u001b[36mscala.language.postfixOps\n",
"defined \u001b[32mfunction\u001b[39m \u001b[36msorter\u001b[39m\n",
"\u001b[36marr\u001b[39m: \u001b[32mArray\u001b[39m[\u001b[32mInt\u001b[39m] = \u001b[33mArray\u001b[39m(\u001b[32m3\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m5\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m6\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m8\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m2\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m9\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m7\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m7\u001b[39m)\n",
"\u001b[36msorted_arr\u001b[39m: \u001b[32mArray\u001b[39m[\u001b[32mInt\u001b[39m] = \u001b[33mArray\u001b[39m(\u001b[32m2\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m3\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m5\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m6\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m7\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m7\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m8\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m9\u001b[39m)"
"metadata": {},
"execution_count": 4
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"val l0 = List(1, 2, 3, 4)\n",
"val l1 = l0.foreach { case i => i + 10 }\n",
"val l2 = Int) => i * 2)\n",
"val l3 = l0.filter((i: Int) => i % 2 == 0)\n",
"val l4 =\n",
"val summ = l0.foldLeft(0) { (acc, num) => acc + num }"
"metadata": {
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
"id": "LTjSzesAHm2_",
"outputId": "d5206e19-918c-4256-8011-6cd35e52aa4e"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "execute_result",
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"\u001b[36ml0\u001b[39m: \u001b[32mList\u001b[39m[\u001b[32mInt\u001b[39m] = \u001b[33mList\u001b[39m(\u001b[32m1\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m2\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m3\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m4\u001b[39m)\n",
"\u001b[36ml2\u001b[39m: \u001b[32mList\u001b[39m[\u001b[32mInt\u001b[39m] = \u001b[33mList\u001b[39m(\u001b[32m2\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m4\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m6\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m8\u001b[39m)\n",
"\u001b[36ml3\u001b[39m: \u001b[32mList\u001b[39m[\u001b[32mInt\u001b[39m] = \u001b[33mList\u001b[39m(\u001b[32m2\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m4\u001b[39m)\n",
"\u001b[36ml4\u001b[39m: \u001b[32mList\u001b[39m[(\u001b[32mInt\u001b[39m, \u001b[32mInt\u001b[39m)] = \u001b[33mList\u001b[39m((\u001b[32m1\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m2\u001b[39m), (\u001b[32m2\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m4\u001b[39m), (\u001b[32m3\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m6\u001b[39m), (\u001b[32m4\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m8\u001b[39m))\n",
"\u001b[36msumm\u001b[39m: \u001b[32mInt\u001b[39m = \u001b[32m10\u001b[39m"
"metadata": {},
"execution_count": 5
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"val names0 = Vector(\"Bob\", \"Fred\", \"Joe\", \"Julia\", \"Kim\")\n",
"val names1 = for (name <- names0 if name.startsWith(\"J\")) yield name"
"metadata": {
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
"id": "1qw4nQm5Lgkk",
"outputId": "90ae0178-acdf-4bd5-8814-56635a752c7e"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "execute_result",
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"\u001b[36mnames0\u001b[39m: \u001b[32mVector\u001b[39m[\u001b[32mString\u001b[39m] = \u001b[33mVector\u001b[39m(\u001b[32m\"Bob\"\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m\"Fred\"\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m\"Joe\"\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m\"Julia\"\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m\"Kim\"\u001b[39m)\n",
"\u001b[36mnames1\u001b[39m: \u001b[32mVector\u001b[39m[\u001b[32mString\u001b[39m] = \u001b[33mVector\u001b[39m(\u001b[32m\"Joe\"\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m\"Julia\"\u001b[39m)"
"metadata": {},
"execution_count": 6
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"case class User(name: String, age: Int)\n",
"val userBase = List(\n",
" User(\"Travis\", 28),\n",
" User(\"Kelly\", 33),\n",
" User(\"Jennifer\", 44),\n",
" User(\"Dennis\", 23)\n",
"val twentySomethings = for (user <- userBase if user.age >=20 && user.age < 30) yield\n",
"metadata": {
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
"id": "f8DiIy2pNiu-",
"outputId": "872233aa-65f5-4c95-9d7e-3b6f2c3e1393"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"name": "stdout",
"text": [
"output_type": "execute_result",
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"defined \u001b[32mclass\u001b[39m \u001b[36mUser\u001b[39m\n",
"\u001b[36muserBase\u001b[39m: \u001b[32mList\u001b[39m[\u001b[32mUser\u001b[39m] = \u001b[33mList\u001b[39m(\n",
" \u001b[33mUser\u001b[39m(name = \u001b[32m\"Travis\"\u001b[39m, age = \u001b[32m28\u001b[39m),\n",
" \u001b[33mUser\u001b[39m(name = \u001b[32m\"Kelly\"\u001b[39m, age = \u001b[32m33\u001b[39m),\n",
" \u001b[33mUser\u001b[39m(name = \u001b[32m\"Jennifer\"\u001b[39m, age = \u001b[32m44\u001b[39m),\n",
" \u001b[33mUser\u001b[39m(name = \u001b[32m\"Dennis\"\u001b[39m, age = \u001b[32m23\u001b[39m)\n",
"\u001b[36mtwentySomethings\u001b[39m: \u001b[32mList\u001b[39m[\u001b[32mString\u001b[39m] = \u001b[33mList\u001b[39m(\u001b[32m\"Travis\"\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m\"Dennis\"\u001b[39m)"
"metadata": {},
"execution_count": 7
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"val m = Map(\n",
" \"un\" -> 1,\n",
" \"deux\" -> 2,\n",
" \"trois\" -> 3,\n",
"m.foreach {\n",
" case (cle, valeur) => println(s\"$cle — $valeur\")\n",
"metadata": {
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
"id": "bMaPhdBTQQlj",
"outputId": "b5e8a26f-3b4c-4832-9174-eace7f638f6d"
"execution_count": null,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"name": "stdout",
"text": [
"un — 1\n",
"deux — 2\n",
"trois — 3\n"
"output_type": "execute_result",
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"\u001b[36mm\u001b[39m: \u001b[32mMap\u001b[39m[\u001b[32mString\u001b[39m, \u001b[32mInt\u001b[39m] = \u001b[33mMap\u001b[39m(\u001b[32m\"un\"\u001b[39m -> \u001b[32m1\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m\"deux\"\u001b[39m -> \u001b[32m2\u001b[39m, \u001b[32m\"trois\"\u001b[39m -> \u001b[32m3\u001b[39m)"
"metadata": {},
"execution_count": 8
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