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Kristopher Micinski kmicinski

View GitHub Profile
data MonO
-- This is the type of arrows for the category of monoids. Note that
-- for a monoid, regarded as a category, there is a single object
-- (called MonO here). Arrows are formed by members of the monoid's
-- carrier, m.
data MonC a b where
M :: Monoid c => c -> MonC MonO MonO
instance Monoid m => Category MonC where
kmicinski / gist:5928311
Last active December 19, 2015 08:49
Explanation of binding structure in HyperLTL


Thanks for your question, it pointed out to me something I realized I previously thought about but then forgot because I internalized it. The question is:

don’t understand how variables are picked out in the notation AAE\phi

In my mind, this basically deals with the strange binding structure in HyperLTL. I think this is covered in section 3, though probably not as concretely as to answer this question. The answer is that in HyperLTL, variables are not explicitly bound via binders, but instead they are manipulated by means of focus formulas <\phi_1,...,\phi_n> or multi-state propositions

If we have a formula like:

kmicinski / methods-example.rb
Created June 6, 2015 05:48
Ruby Method example
# Get the set of method symbols that end in ?
predicatesSymbols = { |x| if x.to_s =~ /.*\?/ then true end }
# For each symbol, get the `Method` object corresponding to that symbol
methods = { |symbol| 1.method(symbol) }
# Filter out methods that don't accept one argument
resultingValues = do |meth|
# Create an array of arguments to call the method with, using
# `arity` to look up how many parameters it expects.
a =,1)
kmicinski / fog.rb
Created June 6, 2015 06:08
Extending ruby with composition
class Proc
def of
lambda { |x| yield(call(x)) }
kmicinski / y.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
The Y Combinator in Ruby
class Proc
def y
lambda { |x| call(y).call(x)}
(lambda { |f| lambda { |x| if x == 0 then 1 else x * end } })
# 479001600
kmicinski / gist:d15e48213bc1359e646f
Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
OCaml tree insert
tree =
| Leaf of int option
| Node of int * tree * tree
let rec insert tree i = match tree with
| Leaf (None) -> Leaf (Some i)
| Leaf (Some y) ->
if (i = y) then tree
else (if (i < y) then
let rec eval term = match term with
| Var x -> term
| Lam (x,t1) -> term
| App (t1, t2) ->
let (Lam (x,v1)) = eval t1 in
let v2 = eval t2 in
eval (substitute x v2 v1)
| Num _ -> term
| Bool _ -> term
| Builtin (s,tl) ->
(let ((a!1 (concat ((_ extract 31 31) k!44311)
((_ extract 31 31) k!44311)
((_ extract 31 31) k!44311)
((_ extract 31 31) k!44311)
((_ extract 31 31) k!44311)
((_ extract 31 31) k!44311)
((_ extract 31 31) k!44311)
((_ extract 31 31) k!44311)
((_ extract 31 31) k!44311)
((_ extract 31 31) k!44311)
kmicinski-17:symdroid kmicinski$ cd apps/
kmicinski-17:apps kmicinski$ ls
kmicinski-17:apps kmicinski$ unzip ~/Downloads/
Archive: /Users/kmicinski/Downloads/
creating: camera2evil/
inflating: camera2evil/.DS_Store
creating: __MACOSX/
creating: __MACOSX/camera2evil/
inflating: __MACOSX/camera2evil/._.DS_Store
Found a flow to sink virtualinvoke $r14.< void write(java.lang.String)>($r6), from the following sources:
- $r6 = virtualinvoke $r5.< openConnection()>() (in <$isUrlAlive: java.lang.String doInBackground(java.lang.String[])>)
Found a flow to sink virtualinvoke $r14.< void write(java.lang.String)>($r8), from the following sources:
- $r6 = virtualinvoke $r5.< openConnection()>() (in <$isUrlAlive: java.lang.String doInBackground(java.lang.String[])>)
Found a flow to sink virtualinvoke $r14.< void write(java.lang.String)>($r6), from the following sources:
- $r6 = virtualinvoke $r5.< openConnection()>() (in <$isUrlAlive: java.lang.String doInBackground(java.lang.String[])>)
Found a flow to sink virtualinvoke $r14.