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Kevin Squire kmsquire

  • SecondSpectrum
  • Los Angeles
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kmsquire / LRU_orig_vs_ranked_comparison.txt
Created August 23, 2012 23:14
Julia LRU with ranked cache item
Timing comparison (left = original, right= ranked)
LRU (original) LRU (ranked)
UnboundedLRU(), 50 items UnboundedLRU(), 50 items
Assignment: Assignment:
elapsed time: 0.08705282211303711 seconds elapsed time: 0.0904841423034668 seconds
Lookup, random access: Lookup, random access:
elapsed time: 0.02248096466064453 seconds elapsed time: 0.029716014862060547 seconds
Random mixed workload: Random mixed workload:
elapsed time: 0.0009319782257080078 seconds elapsed time: 0.0009610652923583984 seconds
kmsquire / output.txt
Created October 9, 2012 02:07
Testing summation error on distribution normalization
Naive sum min: 0.9999999999999952 (error: 4.7739590058881731e-15)
Naive sum max: 1.0000000000000056 (error: 5.5511151231257827e-15)
KBN sum min : 0.9999999999999999 (error: 1.1102230246251565e-16)
KBN sum max : 1.0000000000000000 (error: 0.0000000000000000e+00)
Min p : 0.0000000017882931 ( 1.7882930846464359e-09)
Naive sum min: 0.9999999999999883 (error: 1.1657341758564144e-14)
Naive sum max: 1.0000000000000142 (error: 1.4210854715202004e-14)
kmsquire / sortk.jl
Created October 22, 2012 08:25
Generate a fast sort function for small n, based on
# Generate sort$n(vs), sortk(n1,...,nk) functions
function gen_sort(n)
# Generate n symbols to manipulate
vs = [gensym("v") for i=1:n]
## These two lines are setup for the sort$n functions
# Set each symbol equal to an element of the input list
vss = {:($v = vs[$i]) for (v,i) in enumerate(vs)}
kmsquire / julia_tokenizer.jl
Created October 28, 2012 18:43
Set of regular expressions that (might) tokenize julia input
function _julia_re(name, re)
sym = symbol("julia_$(string(name))")
$(esc(sym)) = $re
$(esc(sym)) = "(?<"*$(string(name))*">"*$(esc(sym))*")"
macro julia_re(name, re)
_julia_re(name, re)
kmsquire / sortperf.jl
Created November 29, 2012 10:14
timsort for julia
## modeled after sort tests in python's
## Note: as written, it requires DataFrames +
## Kevin Squire
# julia> load("timsort")
kmsquire / OrderedDict_timings.txt
Last active July 11, 2020 16:09
OrderedDict for Julia
Here are 3 implemenations of an `OrderedDict` for julia. The first
creates a `DictItem` class, which is stored as the value in a wrapped
Dict. The second only stores a vector of keys, and the third
reimplements the standard julia hash-based dictionary inline, and adds
just enough information to maintain key-value order.
I had other, similar versions along the way, with minor tweaks that
didn't change the timings much. This includes a version where
DictItem was immutable.
kmsquire / memoize.jl
Created May 16, 2013 12:57
Alternate version of memoized.jl
macro memoize(ex)
local f, u, g
g = randstring(6)
if isa(ex,Expr) && (ex.head == :function || ex.head == symbol("=")) &&
!isempty(ex.args) && ex.args[1].head == :call && !isempty(ex.args[1].args)
f = ex.args[1].args[1]
ex.args[1].args[1] = u = symbol(string(f,"_unmemoized"))
error("@memoize must be applied to a method definition")
kmsquire / sp.jl
Created July 24, 2013 06:41
Code causing heap(?) corruption in julia
module sp
export sortperf, std_sort_tests
import Base.Sort: InsertionSort, QuickSort, MergeSort, TimSort, Algorithm, Ordering
using DataFrames
# rand functions for testing
randstr(n::Int) = [randstring() for i = 1:n]
kmsquire / dict_test.jl
Created August 13, 2013 02:09
Performance tests for OrderedDict type (
# To test pre-patch Dict performance
n = 100000
strs = [randstring(10) for i = 1:n];
nums = rand(Int, n);
# regular map
function dict_insertion_test(d::Dict)
kmsquire / test run: julia
Last active December 27, 2015 23:09
Comparison of array generation
julia> func(0,.1,.1); @time func(0,.1,10000)
elapsed time: 1.43696256 seconds (800264048 bytes allocated)
julia> func3(0,.1,.1); @time func3(0,.1,10000)
elapsed time: 0.838369673 seconds (800264048 bytes allocated)
julia> func5(0,.1,.1); @time func5(0,.1,10000)
elapsed time: 0.409506126 seconds (1000312 bytes allocated)