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codification / proc.clj
Created March 6, 2012 08:10
Clojure asynchronous process
(ns proc
(:import [java.lang ProcessBuilder])
(:use [ :only [reader writer]]))
(defn spawn [& args]
(let [process (-> (ProcessBuilder. args)
{:out (-> process
anonymous / what-a-nb-sql.txt
Created June 15, 2012 10:57
select * from (select case when a.kcxzdm is null then '98' else a.kcxzdm end kcxzdm,a.kcxzmc,case when a.xfyq is null then 0 else to_number(a.xfyq) end xfyq ,b.xfh1,b.xfh2,to_number(to_number((case when a.xfyq is null then 0 else to_number(a.xfyq) end))-to_number(b.xfh1)) xfc from (select * from jxjhxfyqview where jxjhh=(select dqszj||zydm from xsjbxxb where xh='0407100522')) a left join (select kcxz,case when sum(xf1) is null then 0 else sum(xf1) end xfh1,case when sum(xf2) is null then 0 else sum(xf2) end xfh2 from (select kcdm,kcmc,kcxz,cj,xf,decode(floor(McjN/60),1,xf) xf1,decode(floor(McjN/60),0,xf) xf2 from (select a.*,b.xymc from (select a.*,b.kkbmdm from (select xn,xq,xkkh,xh,xm,kcmc,qzxs,xf,cj,zscj,bz,xgsj,xgs,cxbj,tzf,tzfjd,kcdm,pscj,qmcj,sycj,bkcj,cxcj,kcxz,tj,tjbz,cxxnxq,qzcj,kcgs,fxbj,jf,xsqr,sfkc,ysbkcj,McjN,McxcjN,zpZ,bkcjZ,cxcjZ,cxcj1Z,cxcj2Z,cxcj3Z,cxcj4Z,cxcj5Z,cxcj1,cxcj2,cxcj3,cxcj4,cxcj5,McjX,McxcjX,McjzPN,jycj,MjyN,MjycjN,MjybkcjN,MjycxcjN,MjycxbkcjN ,(case when (select x.kcdm from wjdsz