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kn9 /
Created February 28, 2016 18:50 — forked from xrstf/
Let's Encrypt on Ubuntu 14.04, nginx with webroot auth

Let's Encrypt on Ubuntu 14.04, nginx with webroot auth

This document details how I setup LE on my server. Firstly, install the client as described on and make sure you can execute it. I put it in /root/letsencrypt.

As it is not possible to change the ports used for the standalone authenticator and I already have a nginx running on port 80/443, I opted to use the webroot method for each of my domains (note that LE does not issue wildcard certificates by design, so you probably want to get a cert for and


For this, I placed config files into etc/letsencrypt/configs, named after <domain>.conf. The files are simple:

kn9 /
Created December 20, 2015 22:33 — forked from urschrei/
The below script will find and detect Google Glass on the local network and kick them off. Read the comments for more details.
# original:
# Find and kick Google Glass devices from your local wireless network. Requires
# 'beep', 'arp-scan', 'aircrack-ng' and a GNU/Linux host. Put on a BeagleBone
# black or Raspberry Pi. Plug in a good USB wireless NIC (like the TL-WN722N)
# and wear it, hide it in your workplace or your exhibition.
# Save as, 'chmod +x' and exec as follows: