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Code Wrangling

Nick O'Leary knolleary

Code Wrangling
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knolleary / MQTTBridge.pde
Created April 3, 2011 22:29
CurrentCost MQTT Bridge
CurrentCost MQTT Bridge
Example sketch for the CurrentCost Bridge device that causes
readings to be published over MQTT.
- Arduino 0022
- PubSubClient v1.6+
"swagger": "2.0",
"info": {
"title": "FlowForge Platform API",
"description": "API documentation for interacting with the FlowForge platform",
"version": "1.8.0-git"
"definitions": {
"def-0": {
"type": "object",
knolleary /
Last active February 15, 2023 18:46
Example Node-RED that adds a sidebar panel in the editor

Example Node-RED that adds a sidebar panel in the editor

  1. git clone this gist somewhere

  2. In ~/.node-red run: npm install <path to where the gist is>

  3. Restart Node-RED

  4. Reload the editor and marvel at the new sidebar tab

[{"id":"479b30f5.0d2bb","type":"function","z":"7756eff1.08d0a","name":"Marble Maze","func":"// A Function to generate a new goal position\nfunction updateGoal() {\n do {\n goalX = Math.floor(Math.random()*7)+1;\n goalY = Math.floor(Math.random()*7)+1;\n } while(checkWall(goalX,goalY));\n \n flow.set('goalX',goalX);\n flow.set('goalY',goalY); \n}\n\n// Generate 'walls' - 10 randomly placed blocks\nfunction generateWalls() {\n walls = [];\n for (var i=0;i<10;i++) {\n var wx = 0;\n var wy = 0;\n do {\n wx = Math.floor(Math.random()*8);\n wy = Math.floor(Math.random()*8);\n } while(wx === x && wy === y);\n walls.push({x:wx,y:wy});\n }\n flow.set('walls',walls);\n}\n\n// Check whether a given position collides with any of the walls\nfunction checkWall(x,y) {\n for (var i=0;i<walls.length;i++) {\n if (walls[i].x === x && walls[i].y === y) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n}\n\n// Retrieve the current player positions from local context\nvar x = context.get('x');\nvar y = context.get('y');\n\n// Retrieve the
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