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in config/initializers/spork.rb
# Attempt to keep model access down when running spork. I can't get this
# to work in our setup tho. - Noah Oct. 23
# see
Spork.trap_class_method(Factory, :find_definitions)
class Rails::Initializer
def after_initialize_with_trap
Spork.trap_class_method(HasManyPolymorphs, :autoload)
district: 07, student records found in student_sakai.csv: 8533, imported to AR: 5090, missing: 3443
district: 07, staff records found in staff_sakai.csv: 928, imported to AR: 529, missing: 399
district: 16, student records found in student_sakai.csv: 2631, imported to AR: 1706, missing: 925
district: 16, staff records found in staff_sakai.csv: 188, imported to AR: 162, missing: 26
district: 17, student records found in student_sakai.csv: 2906, imported to AR: 1905, missing: 1001
district: 17, staff records found in staff_sakai.csv: 197, imported to AR: 181, missing: 16
district: 39, student records found in student_sakai.csv: 3551, imported to AR: 1727, missing: 1824
(! 9016)-> rake build:installer:build_osx
(in /Users/npaessel/lab/ruby/rigse)
Caching jar resources
Caching files...
Writing jars/temp/tempWebstartResource1050180272562728174
content-encoding: null
Renaming jars/temp/tempWebstartResource1050180272562728174 to jars/b5f344535ef436aa9c961792e651a139be2437ad
There was a problem!
Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL:
NoMethodError in Sections#show
Showing app/views/embeddable/inner_pages/_page.html.haml where line #12 raised:
undefined method `add_page_inner_page_path' for #<ActionView::Base:0x5e42a50>
Extracted source (around line #12):
9: .action_menu_header_right
10: - if (inner_page.changeable?(current_user))
11: = remote_link_button "add.png", :url => add_page_inner_page_path(inner_page, :id=>, :title => "add new page", :update => dom_id_for(inner_page, :inner_page_area)
diff --git a/app/views/embeddable/inner_pages/_page.html.haml b/app/views/embeddable/inner_pages/_page.html.haml
index 8e73d3a..7ab7b34 100644
--- a/app/views/embeddable/inner_pages/_page.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/embeddable/inner_pages/_page.html.haml
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
= inner_page.menu_name
- if (inner_page.changeable?(current_user))
- = remote_link_button "add.png", :url => add_page_inner_page_path(inner_page, :id=>, :title => "add new page", :update => dom_id_for(inner_page, :inner_page_area)
+ = remote_link_button "add.png", :url => add_page_embeddable_inner_page_path(inner_page, :id=>, :title => "add new page", :update => dom_id_for(inner_page, :inner_page_area)
./default_investigation.rb: page_embeddable = nil
./default_investigation.rb: page_embeddable = Xhtml.create do |x|
./default_investigation.rb: page_embeddable.pages << p
./default_investigation.rb: [page, page_embeddable]
./default_investigation.rb: page_embeddable = MwModelerPage.create do |mw|
./default_investigation.rb: page_embeddable.pages << page
./default_investigation.rb: page_embeddable = NLogoModel.create do |mw|
./default_investigation.rb: page_embeddable.pages << page
./default_investigation.rb: page_embeddable = OpenResponse.create do |o|
./default_investigation.rb: page_embeddable.pages << page
grep -R -i embeddable
grep -R -i embeddable ./lib | gist