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Kenzi Connor knzconnor

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knzconnor / composition_over_inheritance_in_mongo_mapper.rb
Created March 20, 2011 20:19
A pseudo-OODB style of using MongoMapper's plugin system to create composed objects.
#rvm use 1.9.2
#brew install mongo
#gem install mongo_mapper
#gem install bson_ext
require 'rubygems'
require 'mongo_mapper'
MongoMapper.database = 'mm_demo'
knzconnor / 1_intro_to_subject.rb
Created February 8, 2011 07:45
A pattern for testing class methods in ruby with rspec explicit subjects
# RSpec's subject method, both implicitly and explicitly set, is useful for
# declaratively setting up the context of the object under test. If you provide a
# class for your describe block, subject will implicitly be set to a new instance
# of this class (with no arguments passed to the constructor). If you want
# something more complex done, such as setting arguments, you can use the
# explicit subject setter, which takes a block.
describe Person do
context "born 19 years ago" do
subject { => 19.years.ago }
it { should be_eligible_to_vote }
knzconnor / one_hundred_percent.html
Created October 9, 2010 06:02
A standards based layout using table styles - with an IE quirks mode fallback
<!-- keep IE in quirks mode -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- This following meta tag does no good since there is no way to trigger quirks
mode only in IE7. The problems with an xml prolog that triggered quirks mode were
fixed in IE7, but this meta tag was not yet introduced, so the only thing you can do
is trigger IE-wide quirks via the comment before the DOCTYPE //-->
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE8" />
    <style type="text/css">
def self.logger
@logger ||= begin
(defined?(Rails) && Rails.logger) ||
#In case it wasn't obvious, this was a joke about Rails anti-patterns
def address(separator, seperator2=' ')
fields_array = %w(address1 address2 city state zip phone).map {|t| [:billing,t].join('_').to_sym}
(0..10).inject("") { |string, i|
if i.odd?
field = :separator
field = (field.to_s + '2').intern if i == 7
field = fields_array[i/2]
def address(separator, seperator2=' ')
fields_array = %w(address1 address2 city state zip phone).map {|t| [:billing,t].join('_').to_sym}
(0..10).inject("") { |string, i|
if i.odd?
field = :seperator
field = (field.to_s + '2').intern if i == 7
field = fields_array[i/2]
temp = send(field) rescue nil
def address(separator, seperator2=' ')
fields_array = [:billing_address1, :billing_address2, :billing_city, :billing_state, :billing_zip, :billing_phone]
(0..10).inject("") { |string, i|
if i.odd?
field = :seperator
field = (field.to_s + '2').intern if i == 7
field = fields_array[i/2]
temp = send(field) rescue nil
def address(separator)
"#{billing_address1}#{separator}#{billing_address2}#{separator}#{billing_city}#{separator}#{billing_state} #{billing_zip}#{separator}#{billing_phone}"
require "test_helper"
require "yaml"
class FixtureTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
fixtures :all
Dir[File.join Rails.root, "test", "fixtures", "**", "*.yml"].each do |file|
if fixtures = YAML.load(
kind = File.basename file, ".yml"
if a3
name, params, ret = a1, a1, a2
name, params, ret = nil, a2, a3