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Monquiro.Views ||= {}
class Monquiro.Views.GoogleMapView extends Backbone.View
# A Backbone View always holds a div element in his @el variables.
id: 'map' # Sets the id of the @el div
initialize: () ->
$(@el).css('width','100%') # You can access the @el div with jQuery even if it's not yet on the document.
@map = null
App 262 stdout:
[ 2014-12-19 19:00:37.8352 243/7f44e3d53700 Pool2/SmartSpawner.h:298 ]: Preloader for /home/app/loewy-api started on PID 262, listening on unix:/tmp/passenger.1.0.113/generation-0/backends/preloader.10r4g3n
App 262 stderr: /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/phusion_passenger/preloader_shared_helpers.rb:69:in `fork'
App 262 stderr: :
App 262 stderr: Cannot allocate memory - fork(2)
App 262 stderr: (
App 262 stderr: Errno::ENOMEM
App 262 stderr: )
App 262 stderr: from /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/phusion_passenger/preloader_shared_helpers.rb:69:in `accept_and_process_next_client'
App 262 stderr: from /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/phusion_passenger/preloader_shared_helpers.rb:139:in `run_main_loop'
$ heroku console -a ciara-app [develop]
Running console on ⬢ ciara-app... !