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kouddy / Clojure Syntax 1.clj
Last active September 17, 2015 00:53
Clojure Syntax
; Syntax
(if (= 0 0) "a" "b") ;"a"
(do (print "a" "b")) ;a"b"
(when true "a") ;"a"
(def a "a") ;"a"
(def b ["a" "b"]) ;["a" "b"]
;Data Structures
(nil? 1) ;false
(nil? nil) ;true
(define (reverse sequence)
(fold-right (lambda (x y) (cons y x)) null sequence))
(define (reverse2 sequence)
(fold-left (lambda (x y) (cons y x)) null sequence))
(define (dot-product v w)
(accumulate + 0 (map * v w)))
(define (matrix-*-vector m v)
(map (lambda (row) (dot-product row v))
(define (transpose mat)
(accumulate-n cons null mat))
(define (accumulate-n op init seqs)
(if (null? (car seqs))
(cons (accumulate op init (map car seqs))
(accumulate-n op init (map cdr seqs)))))
;; Flatten tree then count
(define (count-leaves0 t)
(accumulate (lambda (x total) (+ total 1)) 0
(map (lambda (children) children)
(enumerate-tree t))))
(define (count-leaves1 t)
(accumulate + 0
(map (lambda (children)
(define (horner-eval x coefficient-sequence)
(accumulate (lambda (this-coeff higher-terms) (+ this-coeff (* higher-terms x)))
(define (map proc sequence)
(accumulate (lambda (x y) (cons (proc x) y)) null sequence))
(define (append seq1 seq2)
(accumulate cons seq2 seq1))
(define (length sequence)
(accumulate (lambda (x y) (+ y 1)) 0 sequence))
(define (subsets s)
(if (null? s)
(list null)
(let ((rest (subsets (cdr s))))
(append rest ;;; append is like + for list
(map (lambda (l) (cons (car s) l)) rest)))))
(define (tree-map proc root)
(map (lambda (children)
(cond ((null? children) null)
((pair? children) (tree-map proc children))
(else (proc children))))
(define (square-tree tree) (tree-map square tree))
(define (square-tree2 tree)
(if (pair? tree)
(map square-tree2 tree)
(* tree tree)))